
Do you give homeless people money?

by Guest31639  |  earlier

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Do you give homeless people money?




  1. nope.  sandwich, coffee, and a bus pass to get to the nearest shelter.  a lot of "homeless" that I have seen are not quite the homeless you are concerned about, as i have gone to ball games, watched the guy in front of me have 4 or 5 beers, eat the whole time, leave early only to see him outside the gate with a sign reading " homeless, will work for food"

  2. Nope....because I am going to use it for the same thing they are...booze

  3. of course;  they need it. QED

    If you dont Jesus will hate you and rightly so

    . Dont bother to reframe it all in capitalist work ethic BS the fact is they have no money, you do, so if you with hold it ,it will be the worse for you karma wise.

    No argument, give or suffer in the long run, you choose.

    All the greedy breadheads can stick it up their hoop cos they are`doomed souls :-)

  4. not the young ones, but the old men i usually give whatever change i have, because most of them became homeless as a result of not being able to pay medical bills and what not.

  5. i don't give money to the guys standing on the corner no !

    this guy came up to me and asked me to buy him food he didn't want money i gave it to him plus a few extra bucks for food for later!


    this guy on a bike stopped and approached me!  asked me for change!  i gave him a look like come on  then before i could respond he said let me pump the rest of your gas go pay and if you have any extra i would lvoe to have it!

    so him i did!  found out he was hit by a car a week later hit and run!

    you start to know the homeless and who is trying and who isn't once you listen!

    so yes if the timing and sistuation is right!

    but the guy sitting on a bucket holding a sign no !  he will not get my money.. he has not show to be gratefull!

  6. no. they suck my nuts ill give them 5 bux though

  7. no, no matter what they tell you, they end up buying booze with it, i have bought them cigs, and food tho.

  8. it's best to give to charities that support homeless people. if that's too much trouble, buy a big issue, or give food.

    giving cash can lock people into dependence, drug and alcohol abuse, and encourage scams.

    it's a pity there aren't more collection slots for homeless charities around cities, that you can drop your coins into instead.

    the best thing you can do is pay your taxes and vote for people who are dedicated to bring about profound change.

  9. If I have change that I can spare, I will, b/c if the situation was reveresed, and I was the one who needed help, I would hope someone would help me out too.

  10. No, I have given them food and watched them throw it down. Other cases I have taken them in a fast food place and paid for the meal, those were thankful. This way I know what the money is being used for.

  11. NO, DO NOT DO THIS!!!!, I was homeless when i first came to Stirling, for 4 days. I found services, and the churches all too willing to help me get a place, food, and clothing. I therefore concluded that homelessness is a CHOICE. The people who claim to be homeless, are using the money to buy alcohol and drugs. DO NOT PAY THEM. I had only £2.48p on the day i arrived from England, within 5 days i had a place to stay, and a whole NEW set of clothes. OK? So DON'T PAY THEM!!!!

  12. I only see people sitting with their well-dressed family asking for money, sitting in the hot sun all day long, making the dollar.  The employment office is just around the corner, but they won't go there.  I give to the Salvation Army, where the true homeless actually go.

  13. I once saw an ad in THE BIG ISSUE for someone looking for a flat to rent,a BIG ISSUE seller who are supposed to be out of work and making money out of their sales of the B/ the add he requested a rent of around £600 A MONTH???!!! not so bad for someone on the breadline eh?so in answer to your question,,,no!!

  14. At times I'll bring them something to eat.

  15. I dont give to  homeless people on the streets, no.

    I had a really strange experience while visiting the "islands" though. I was with my friend who is a doctor.  A homeless man, and obviously a drug user, came up to us asking for money.  My friend gave him a substantial sum of money. When I asked him why he had given so much, my friend said that he hoped the guy would get enough drugs to overdose.  I was SHOCKED to hear this from the mouth of a doctor. The more I thought about it, the more I began to feel that maybe he's right.  This persons life was not pretty and perhaps he would be better off dead.  Eventually, if not sooner, this drug addict would die from his habit. Why prolong the agony?  Hmmm...the things that make me scratch my head.

  16. Yes, I have...and no not all the time.  But when I can afford to give, I give.  I also donate clothing and other items to homeless shelters.  

    It's not for me to judge someone who's homeless.

  17. I do give homeless people money, but we should also pray for them too...and not just during church and Christmas, but EVERYDAY....

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