
Do you go to church?

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Are you a religious person?




  1. I've never been to church except for funerals and weddings.  My parents are prodistants, guess thats what I am too.. i've never been baptized, and I don't JUDGE!! Cheers!

  2. I'm a Christian. I have not been one for very long and I make many mistakes in my i am NOT a perfect Christian. now after saying this here's my answer.

    No I don't go to Church not because I don't want to. I can't find one where I feel at home and feel close to God. I am still looking for one and I hope to find one soon. so my Daughter and I can go. God Bless

  3. I do not attend a church at this time.  The church is divided, however spiritually F.R.O.G.

  4. I do not follow religion. But I do believe in money.

    Lighthouses are more helpful than churches.

  5. No from my study of the bible if you follow the churches you will be surprised at the end as revelation clearly states that the church will become corrupt and that is happening now.  The churches have become to greedy; after all the Pope wears Gucci!

    I am not religious in any main stream way.  Of course I don't believe that god requires us to be a christian, catholic, etc... even though it does seem that the bible shows he prefers Jews you can't lie about being one... Who cares.

  6. I don't go to church, and im not religious at all.

  7. Not too often.

    I'm more of a spiritual person than a religious person.

  8. Only if I know someone who has something going on in one like a wedding, baptism, communion, etc.

  9. The last time I went to church I was in the Brownies! I'm agnostic and I don't follow any organised religion, but I'm open to the idea of some kind of higher power. :)

  10. I have only been to synagogue for school events (I was in Hebrew immersion in grade school) and once to see my grandfather give a reading. Most of my family is agnostic or atheist, but we have a few observant Jews here and there.

  11. I like to,,I try to, I feel better when I do..

  12. Yes. I go to a non-denominational home-church. We have no pastor, just elders. We have different people who give sermons when led to. We came from a church where the pastor was boss and anyone who stood up to him, was cut down. We left along with half of the church to start our own.

    I am not religous, I am a Christian with faith.

  13. no.

  14. YES, I try to go every Sunday.

  15. nope.

  16. h**l no. I was baptised catholic, but clearly it didn't take.

  17. Nope.

    Baptized protestant, raised alternately Protestant (dad) and Catholic (mom), then made to convert to Catholicism, then realized that it was all the exact same contradictory, judgemental, misogynist, fictionalized hyperbole... it just depended whether you wanted to follow a guy who wore gold slippers to sleep, or a guy who stood in front of a congregation and sweat a lot.

    I now adhere largely to Buddhist teachings, and have gone to temples a few times, but I don't like the "religious" label.  The teachings are wisdom but I prefer to think of it more along the lines of spirituality.  Am I spiritual?  Yes.  Am I religious?  No.

  18. I'm a spiritual person but no, I don't go to church since I don't follow organized religion.

  19. i used to. i spent a great deal of time "looking" for that christian experience every adult said was necessary for a fulfilling life. i learned only that they also lied about santa clause . i am relieved to admit that i am an atheist, i take responsibility for my decisions, and credit for the things i do well!

  20. No, because Christians are doing the opposite of what Jesus had said.

    For example, they have given women higher status than Men ( many they have s*x all the time, with multiple partners, women wear provocatively even in Churchs!

    Just look at Europeans and Americans, which are mostly Christians, and they do not follow Jesus' teachings, which is HYPOCRITICAL.

    Christianity is not even followed anymore, which is sad because it is such a great religion.

    I am a Buddhist anyways.

  21. no. i'm an atheist pagan. i don't believe in literal gods but in metaphorical or archetypal ones. i base my morality on the level of suffering that my/other people's actions cause. i think people that blindly believe fairy tales are real and only follow rules because it might get them into 'heaven' are ignorant, deluded and dangerous.

  22. Yes, I go to church. I don't like to describe myself as religious, though, because it feels like empty rituals when you describe it that way. It isn't. My faith is alive, and I do what I do because I truly believe rather than just because it's how I was raised.

  23. Yes I do & yes I am (I'm more spiritual than religious).

  24. I stopped going to church many years back. About two years ago I found an independent church, and now enjoy going.

    Just teach me the wisdom of the bible, and leave the politics and agendas out of it.

  25. I am quite religious and spiritual but unfortunately haven't found a church that reflects my disposition, being somewhat introverted and cynical.  Reading the New Testament will leave you with a wonderful basis for finding the good path on our own, according to Christ's teachings.

  26. yeah, i walk in there to light my spliff on a candle when i dont have a lighter

  27. Only when I visit my mom.  She's pretty devout and hates the fact that I don't go to church.  Over the past few years, we've reached a compromise.  She respects my choice not to go and pretends not to know that I don't go to church on by own and in return, I respect her beliefs and go to church when I visit her.

  28. I've never been in a church in my life :-)

  29. Absolutely not. I have gone for a wedding last 2 months but that's about it

  30. no... not me.
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