
Do you hate on Obama?

by Guest32406  |  earlier

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He just seems like such a likable guy...




  1. he did a wonderful speech and he will make change. i love his wife, shes amazing. definitely obama over mccain. i dont want another old guy. did you hear he chose some ditsy woman to run with him. does he think women are that stupid that we'll just see her and go yay its her shes female? i dont think so. what a smack in the face to hillary. obviously the mccain campaign is pretty messed up. go obama!!!

  2. Obama is an anti american Racist.

    He is an eleteist, he thinks he's better than everyone else, not what america needs to unite it.

    Sarah Palin has more true executive experience than obama does,

    He's friends with terrorists,

    He's wrong on every single issue, People treat him like a rock star, but really have no idea what he will do to this country.  He will destroy it and turn it into a socialist state where the govenrment controls everything about your life.

    He's pure evil,

    Sure, he looks good, and talks nice,

    But that is just the flame to a misquito,

    To the misquito the flame looks nice and inviting,

    but when the bug hits the flame, It gets burned.

    If you plan on voting for obama, make sure you own a gun, and have a years supply of food storage, your going to need it by the time he's done with our country.

  3. I like Obama!

    he seems like a down to earth cool guy!

  4. I'm sure he's a fine guy.  I'm sure Bush is, too.  I don't think either of them should be President.

    I'm really tired of Obama not delivering on his promise of change.

  5. Its just that the more I learn about the guy from Chicago, the more I think of that perpetual dictator Julius Caesar. This guy utilizes tactics to rid his opponents, and cares little about debate.

    The only time he took on his opponent in a debate was Hillary, but by then he was way ahead in delegates, but couldn’t put her away till the very end. How did he get the nod from the democratic party, when all his experience is wrapped up in 144 days of senatorial experience

    He lost almost all the last 10 primaries to Hillary, but won the support of the super delegates anyway. His politics is dangerous, his associates like Ayers, Farrakhan, and Write are all full of hate, and I have a shady past.

    I don’t hate this guy, but I fear that if he should become president, we will never recover from it.

  6. I don't hate him, I just don't want him as President.

  7. I don't hate him, but I don't like him.  I think he is all wrong for America.

  8. He is kind of cool, but a sneaky little monkey indeed...

  9. no i don't hate him, i just don't want him as a boss

  10. he is a charismatic man, but he is awful for our nation.  He is inexperienced, a loose cannon, a racist, and spineless (FISA...).  I am a disgruntled hilary supporter who will not be voting for obama this november.

  11. The campaign has worked hard to present a likable image.  The imaging by the campaign has been very effective.

  12. I do not hate him I just distrust him like most politicians.

  13. my dog is likable, but would i for for her to be president no, simply not qualified enough as is obama, its simple color don't matter, gender doesn't matter, all that matters is ability to get the job done

  14. I love that guy, and yeah he seems really likable, and i think he is defiantly fit to run this country, the only thing I hate is that some people think that "hope" is bs, FYI hope is what this country started on.

  15. "Likable guys" don't spend 20 years in a racist Church.^

  16. I don't "hate" anyone I will be voting for McCain

    Obama's entire real world work resume. 145 days experience in the Senate with nothing to show for it, only 3 bills passed.  Zero military experience, Quick trip to Middle East, Never physically worked a hard day in his life……Barack Obama barely qualifies to work in a McDonalds. We wont even mention his devotion to extremist, radical and racist religious views for which he was ingrained and worshipped for the past twenty years.Two years as a lawyer and only 14 minor trials. And two years as a "community organizer" with nothing  accomplished.

  17. Many of the Weatherman Underground terrorists are likable people until their true colors show. I don't hate anyone but I surely don't trust Obama.

  18. Don't hate  him - just don't care much for him.......

  19. How can you hate a man who delivers a speech like this??  I'm getting this framed.

  20. The Republicans are the party of fear. They are afraid of Obama.

    They are afraid that government may work ALL the people instead of just their rich friends.  

  21. I love Obama...people please don't hate him..if you don't like him just please keep those thoughts to yourself..


  22. Y'know... I hate Obama more than anyone...

    But I have to agree, he seems kinda nice.

    He's just wrong about everything he's ever done.

  23. I don't hate him..I just don't think a man with his views are fit to be President.

  24. no--i just don't think he can deliver what he has promised-----he promises change--well--no matter who wins there will be change  --  don't like his tax plan

  25. Honestly i am underage so i couldnt give  c**p about any of the candidates...until i watched obamas speech. Your right he is SO hard not to like especially with his family there and everything so now im full obama. :) The other guy is way too old he'll die in like 2nd day of presidency if he gets votes.

  26. I don't mind the man I just hate his politics

  27. Likable does to equal a good president.

  28. No im not a hater like all them other ppl. Obama haters...u suck.

    You haters are just mad cuz u all racist!! haha

  29. He's likeable but too naive to think that he can use the race card to get into the White House.

  30. Likable yes

    Fit to lead America? No

  31. No. Hate is a strong word.  I don't like his socialist ideas.  
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