
Do you hate whiners?

by  |  earlier

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i hate it when people on Y!A whine about your question "being in the wrong section" or "have you read the guidelines" or "stop it, or im telling mommy".

ok the last one i made up, but folks are almost getting there.




  1. Well, I sometimes point out that people are in the wrong section because they might get more answers if they are in the right one.  Like when they ask questions about real science stuff (like chemistry) here.  You really aren't going to get many chem questions answered here...I try to answer them though.

    Otherwise I don't "whine".  I don't get it either why people are so picky it isn't like this is life or death.

    Another thing that bugs me is when people totally don't answer the question?  They miss the whole point of the question and you are like huh?  

    Or when you answer the question and someone criticizes you for answering it.  Like one time someone wanted stereotypes of a certain group of people so I laid all these stereotypes out there and then this other answerer was like "oh my god I can't believe you just said all that!  None of that is true!"  I was like um hello did you even read the question?  It asked for popular stereotypes...

    Ok that is my B**ch fest then...thanks for the opportunity! ;)

  2. Yep, I agree. But I'm afraid I have been guilty of such whining once or twice...

  3. Because people think they can make themselves look better by pointing out an already obvious flaw that you made. Some people do get genuinely offended sometimes, but they should take it up with the people that made yahoo answers, not the people who ask the d**n questions

  4. Why won't you just let people answer the question the way they want to and stop wining about how they answer it.

    Or put it in the proper section like they tell u to or leave them alone.

  5. Im with you there! they are just trying to be annoying
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