
Do you have a good imaginations.

by  |  earlier

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do they always come out as good as you think.




  1. Yes I have good one and it can be better than I imagined. I listen to my good imagination because the other one is no fun.

  2. Hello. I have good imaginations but since I analyze everything to do with them I sometimes chastise my own desires and myself. But I always have fun in my head. Good bye.

  3. Yup, wont leave me alone either, it just imagines what it wants when it wants, wont even let me imagine anything.  

  4. no i wish i had an imagination but i am always stuck on the facts.  

  5. Yes. My imagination is great. but many of the things I try to actually create from it "No!"  LOL!

  6. I hope so I've written most of the time they come out good!

  7. hundreds of stories that i've gone thru in my head, but i don't have the attention span to put them down on paper.

  8. yes so good that they are too good to be true.

  9. always I can make everything beautiful with my imaginations because I know how to forgive.

  10. Aye, and sometimes they come out the way I planned, but only the words, never the images, so I've learned to create images from words and that's worked out pretty nicely since.

    Poet and short-story author.

  11. yes,i sure do.and they work out pretty good most of the time.

  12. yes i do have very very very good imaginations...

  13. YES.

    I sometimes cant sleep because Im thinking of too much shiit but then again I got no concentration the moment I need to think about one thing I thinking of a million. But I could easily write a book about anything with just my head writing as I go along but I can never be asked to write anything.

    And yes they always come out good

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