
Do you have a particular talent??

by  |  earlier

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what is it?




  1. I can bend my thumb back to a 90 degree angle  

  2. I can draw and paint

  3. sing



    good photographer


  4. I have a very good memory for numbers, insignificant events and details - I can remember the registration number of my sister's first car from way back in 1966, I often remember incidents that friends and family would rather forget!

    It's a pity I forget the important things!!

  5. I can earn 2 points by answering this question. LOL

    Srsly? I'm a great cook and a writer.

  6. I listen good to others..can solve any problem..I'm a painter..and I can be modest and shut up :)

  7. I craft... Paperwork, Jewelry and Bead Work, Metal Work, Clay Work, Wood Work... If it has to do with your hands, I'm d**n good at it!

    It runs in my family... My aunt was a professior at the Art Institute of Chicago, my Grandfather was a stone worker, (not as artistic but still requires artistic flair and talent) my Grandmother can do wonderful things with yarn and cloth, and my father loves to work with metal and wood.

    The other half of the family is all business and couldn't put together something purchased at Ikea let alone build ANYTHING from scratch so I'm VERY glad I inherited from the Artistic Side of the Family.

  8. i can break into a car in like 30 seconds.

    im good at drawing too.

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