
Do you have an ddiction?

by  |  earlier

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If you have an whatever it be, what is it?

Food, Alcohol, Eating disorder, Drugs, s*x, p**n, Gambling...ect, ect, ect.

And if you do have one, do you also have frustration? Depression? Attract to violence? Easily sexually arroused?




  1. I have depression. I'm also addicted to cutting and pills(vicodin)  

  2. I have an addiction to s*x.

    Im only 17, but I ADORE having s*x with my boyfriend.

    Also, when Im not with him, I watch p**n to get pointers and different positions so we can try them out the next time Im with him.

    Gahh Im bad :X

    lol <3

  3. I have been actively addicted to food (eating disorder) and alcohol.  I am in Recovery.  I am prone to major depression and anxiety - take meds for this

  4. I'm terribly addicted to women.  And yes,I get frustrated and easily sexually aroused.  I'm just this s*x-crazed,Sick,Perverted,Sick,Twisted,S... crazed little monkey.  I get frustrated because I can't control myself when it comes to women.  What is it about them that torment me so.  I should be locked in a cage and throw away the key.  Of course,If that happens,I'll just go wild again at the sight of women.  And the more wild I get,The more crazy I get.  Women are so beautiful to me.  I can't get enough of them.  I'm afraid the longer I live,The more insane I will get for them.  Is there a pill that will help me calm my hormones?  I hope so,I need some bad. lol.  Thanks for the question.  I hope this answer didn't frighten you too much.  If so,I am terribly sorry bout it.  The name is David and it's been an honor writing to you.  Have a goodnight and God bless.  Bye for now.

  5. this crazy women at church wants to know if i am high on marijuana!!!

  6. im addicted to technology ike the internet and stuff :S also computer games. :O

    erm its wierd but im also addicted to like my emotions with anger and stuff i have to hav e it round me all the time like violence and things, when i dont feel angry i feel empty if that makes sense?

  7. classical music and chocolate figs dates peaches and pears  yum..

  8. ummm im addicted to GUYS i love love love them idk why but ONLY THE HOTT ONES LOL but yeah if thats what you mean and i guess its not really an addiction but it is hard to have them out of my head lol but yeah no i dont have andy frusteration or c**p like that but yeah and i guess its a good thing that im addicted to guys cause atleast i dont like girls or anything lol but then again it would be better if i wasnt addicted lmao

    are you addicted to anything? and why do you ask? jw

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