
Do you have any dark secrets??

by  |  earlier

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If you do, how long have you held this inside you? What made you keep it a secret?

And, if you wish to tell, what is it? No one will know who you are on here. . . .therefore, no one will tell. Just to get it off your shoulder, I know it'll make ya feel a whole lot better. :-)




  1. nope, my friends know everything.

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  2. i don't have any. which i'm happy about.  

  3. I have held mine in pretty much for about 35 years, I kept it secret for fear of rejection from family and friends and even society, I have told a few over the years, and some have found out by accident, But at age 13 I realized I was a Crossdresser, and over the years I tried to deny it and couldnt accept myself for who I was, I struggled with it emotionaly, Considered suicide more times than I care to remember, and only about 10 years ago have I been able to accept and like myself as I am for who I am, I realize much of society feels crossdressing is a choice or one can just quit whenever they want, or they think it is sick or disgustiong or we need help, If only it was that easy, but then again I just wish I had the nerve to be able to live my life as I truly would like to, and be at least content. The traits we are born with like blue eyes or blonde hair, those traits also include our personality, our Bi-sexual side, or g*y or L*****n or even Crossdressing,  If there was a cure would I go thru with it - No way, I Like who I am  

  4. yep.

    -every time i get really mad, i think of super weird **** like holding them down , piercing their nostrils, tying a string thru the holes, and pulling on the string until their nose breaks sideways. just stuff like that.

    - i got my first handjob from an ugly chick when i was wasted.

    - i constantly fantasize about very S****y, dirty girls that i know.

    - i constantly fantasize about awesome epic battles going on around me...but hey, who doesn't?

    - i once was so pissed at my dad, i went into the forest and put my 30-30 crosshairs on his spine....just in case he wanted to get physical (in an abusive way) with my mom...(that would have been my excuse).

    - every couple of months, i look on google on new ways to kill people.

    it may be a little weird...but you asked!  

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