
Do you have any superstitions?

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I must admit I say 'touch wood' but I think that's more of a habit than anything else.

Thank you all x




  1. i am very superstitious

    i touch wood,

    i refuse to cross anyone on the stair,

    i dont walk under ladders,

    i dont walk over three drains,

    if i spill salt i always throw some over my left shoulder,

    and dont get me started on friday the 13th!

  2. Yeah,

    I never walk on three drains and i always touch wood.

    And i HATE friday the 13th as one of my best mates died this year on that date but i never liked it in the first place

  3. no sorry

  4. Yup. Stay away from g*y guys at a public bathroom. lol. Relax. It's just a joke,

  5. I just have one" touch wood" but it's just because of habit like you say, my mom taught me only that one and I just have that 1 lol, I don't really think that's true because I've done a lot of those things and nothing bad has happened!!

  6. Yes I do  dont walk under a ladder, dont put new shoes on the table,if you break a mirror seven years bad luck.

  7. Only that I like to carry silver - jewellery or whatever - and I tend to avoid starting anything important on a Friday 13th.  Silly, isn't it?

  8. Yeah loads!

    Mainly not talking when going past a monkey puzzle tree

    not standing on 3drain covers next to each other

    and all the other standard ones

  9. Never cross on the stairs.

    Touch wood

    Twist a button when you see a cross eyed person

    Don't put new shoes on a table.

  10. Yes just like most other people I have several

    Its bad luck to leave out of a different door than the one you entered.

    Never break when holding hands (if a pole comes between you both of you should walk around one side of it instead of releasing hands and walking around)

    Knock on wood

    A bird running into a window is a sign of bad luck

    Black cats crossing your path

    and the list goes on

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