
Do you have business plan ?

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hi focus how is every thing

i have space in jeannette PA 15644 .

This city is in PA

I spce there 4800 sq

i have no idea what kinda of business i should start .

please help me any business online retail services real estate .





  1. There are so many home based online businesses to choose from!

    Here are basic guidelines to follow:

    1. Decide how much investment your willing to put into your business. Let's be honest here with any real business comes operating and advertising expenses. Remember when once you make up your mind to do something and give 110% commitment to your business you will find the money. Money is never the answer to not do something you feel passionate about.

    2. Determine what you want out of a home based business. Are you looking to supplement your income while continuing to work a job or do you want to retire from your job now and not later. In other words how much money do you want to make? There are businesses out there that say no upfront investment or have a product that comes with a low investment. In my experience it takes a significant amount of time to make any money here because of the low investment. On the flip side there are legitimate home based businesses that offer a much greater return on your investment in a lot shorter time. So do you want to retire from your JOB now or much later? Let's not forget franchise businesses that come with a steep investment, franchise fees, overhead expenses, time commitment, and long term return on investment?

    3. How much time commitment are you willing to put into your business? Some home based businesses will require a tremendous amount of your time while others offer you time freedom as well as financial freedom.

    I have been in the home based arena for over a year now and before I took the plunge I looked into just about everything out there. There are good ones and there are bad ones. The key is to know what you are looking for and take it from there. What is good for me might not be a wise choice for the guy down the street. Feel call me to learn more about the company that allowed me to retire from my traditional job at the age of 32 and average over $10,000 a month in earnings.  My number is 610-577-3966.  

    Good Luck,


  2. Build multiples & rent out...some some small industr./ some smallwarehse-lke.

    Build and they shall come !

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