
Do you have hot drink phases?

by Guest57537  |  earlier

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I like tea and coffee, but i only drink one at a time for weeks on end. I've not had a coffee since february.




  1. Same here, or I'll go with coffee for months and then I decide to change to a herbal tea and stick with it for months, eventually I get back to coffee. Don't know why, but it's happened to me during the last 5 years.

  2. I love tea and coffee too--but make mine iced. I love strong Thai iced coffee or even the deep French roast with chicory Vietnamese iced coffee. It's hot most of the year where I live. When the weather gets cold, I will drink lots of hot coffee and hot chocolate.

  3. In the last year I have gone from drinking an average of six cups of coffee a day to none at all. It has improved my health remarkably. I drink only tea now, which, although it has caffeine, it doesn't have the same detrimental affects at all.

  4. I am addicted to Starbucks.

  5. I can't stand tea at all which is weird because I used to drink it when I was little. I love coffee all of the time though and do go through phases where i want to drink it more than others

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