
Do you have sympathy to Harry?

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All he wants is no more than being an ordinary soldier, yet his wish can't be satisfied only because he's the focus of public.

I think it's always pathetic for someone when his thoughts or actions are in conflict with his position.




  1. yes

  2. your a wizard....harry

  3. Yes to the fact that he's a soldier trying to serve his country the best way he can.

    No to the fact that he's a prince with lots of money and can get all the babes he want.

  4. Yes,I do

  5. Here in the Philippines, the newspapers have said that he was in the last trench..... as a little rabbit.

  6. no

  7. His Uncles managed to serve in Military conflicts without all this hoopla(Andrew and the Falklands for example), so why can't he slip quietly into the ether?  that is one of the great mysteries I suspect somebody out there makes sure it is so ( strangely similar to his mother?)

  8. i do. its such a shame. they go on about the royals being pompus but here we have a junior royal on the frontline being an ordinary lad like all the other massively brave soldiers and now this. why did the foreign press not just keep their mouths shut ? but i do understand why he was brought home. now they say britain is at higher risk than before to a terrorist attack, and that he and even his friends are at high risk now......for harry doing his job.

  9. I would feel sorry for any man who, like Harry, is criticised no matter what he does, is apparently not allowed to have fun like other men his age because he happens to have been born into the royal family, and just seems to be a target for small minded people who obviously have nothing better to do and are no doubt perfect themselves.  And frankly, I am sick to death with all this James Hewitt nonsense!

    All things considered, I think Harry has grown into a very nice young man...sure he has made mistakes, but the only difference between his mistakes and those of other men and women of his age is that his mistakes are plastered across the newspapers by the gutter press.

    As for the business of him being a soldier, clearly he wants to do his duty and serve for his country but realises that to serve on the front line means he and his men are a prime target. Therefore, because of some blabbermouths, his tour of duty had to be cut short...not just to get him out of the firing line, but to lessen the risks for the people he had been working alongside. But no doubt the latter reason will be ignored by Harry's many critics.

  10. I don't have sympathy for him, because it comes with the territory of royalty. Most people get to do what they want to do, but not royalty and I'm sure he's known that from day 1 so he's had his fun not it's probably time to try and settle down in behind William and maybe get the throne one day in the distant future.

  11. yes!

    He's a good bloke!

  12. Absolutely - why blame someone for the accident of birth, he,s no more guilty of any wrong than you or I. We do not choose our parentage, why pay a lifetime penance for something we have no control or choice about.

    Easy up folks...................

  13. I have more sympathy for all the other troops out there that don't get the Media coverage they deserve for fighting for the country !!!

    He's not the only one out there ?!?!?!?!??!

  14. Loads, but more for the intrusion on his personal rather than military life.

    It must be awful when you're brother is going to be king; you've got to act with all the propriety of a king-in-waiting without actually becoming king.

    The same thing happened to his uncle, Andrew.  In his younger days he got a reputation of being a bit of a reveller, before being shipped off to the armed forces (navy, in his case, i think).

    If I was in his position all I'd want to do is say, "sod it, I'm not going to be king, so I want to have as much fun as I can instead", but of course he can't do that.  Frustrating.

  15. I do sympathise, because when she wrote those books, JK Rowling had no mercy. My word, has he suffered, or what?

  16. Every second of his time out their,Prince Harry was the most protected soldier on patrol.

    BBC crews and cameras ,also many minders (not his choice I may add)where watching over him night and day,so I have a great deal of sympathy for him.If the Army can not keep the press away from Harry,how can they fight the enemy.Prince Harry, you did well mate,do your own thing

  17. i don't get it. is harry already a soldier? why is he in conflict?

  18. Yes, I feel sorry for him.

    He is in a no win situation.

    People dumped on him for not going to Iraq & now they are doing the same because he did go to Afghanistan.

    Personally, even though I am not a royalty fan, I am very proud of the fact that he did his bit & didn't take the easy way out.

  19. fact i'm starting to like him this video clip where a goat was seen slaughtered,harry chosed not to kill the goat and let the "honour" slip to another officer.i believe it is compassion he had for the goat that he declined to kill it.pity the goat though.and personally i feel that harry is becoming a man.

  20. yeah i feel sorry for him, and the British press are not helping him if they would stop releasing stories that he is in Afghanistan then he would probably still be out there now

  21. yes.

  22. Yes I do, I feel very disappointed for him. He is a solider and just wants to do his job, but now the media have meddled in his life again and he can't. He should have the same freedom to do his job as everyone else.

  23. Yes.

    Poor chap. Motherless so early in life.

    And all he wats is to be an ordinary young man.

  24. I'm in total support of Harry and all our soldiers serving in Afistan and Iraq.  They're doing a great job.

    I think Harry is hissed off coming home so soon.  But get gets the medal.  

    A mate of mine has three rows of medals from WW2.  He was an aircraft fitter in the RAF with a Hurriacane Squadron.  He never saw any action, but was in the war zone of each medal for the statutory 24 hours.  So, Harry gets the gong.

    One more for the collection.  Keep going.

  25. With all the rubbish that's been written about his parentage it's little wonder that he wants to get as far as way as possible! He's going to be the boss of all the services in a few years time whether he (or anybody else for that matter!) likes it or not, so he's at least getting the feel of it, unlike a lot of his predecessors. Just why the wonderful people on the yankee website saw fit to publish details of his whereabouts is beyond me. Next time anybody of note is doing something they want/need to do "on the quiet" and the press isn't told, they'll all feel hard done-by and start complaining that they weren't told - and wonder why ! ! !

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