
Do you know about Equestrian?

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Im a beginning rider and would like to have a brief description of the leg aids... if you want the horse to go to the right you use the right reign and left leg? or right reign right leg?




  1. You want your horse to move away from your, if you having your horse move to the right, your left leg should be putting the pressure. There are times however, when you may use your leg to have the horse bend around it...but this is a little more advanced, and you are not actually squeezing with your leg, you are holding it steady. For your reins...if english...both hands are moving slightly at an angle towards your left hip (to turn right)...for western, neckreining...your reins are being held in one hand and being directed to the right (so that the horse's left rein is across the neck).

  2. if the horse neck reins, you'd use your left rein, and maybe some leg, but if the horse is trained to move off your leg, you would only use your left leg.

    it kind of depends on the horse.

  3. English or Western?

    English: Right rein and left leg because the horse will move away from the leg you are applying pressur with so if you use your right rein and right leg, tou will be doing half passes up the side of the school, lol.

    Western: you put your hand on the left side of his neck and he will turn away from it, i think :S

  4. well if your horse neck reins, you would hold the reins in whichever hand you write with. for example, i write with my right hand so i hold both of the reins in my right hand. when going to the right, you lead your hand holding the reins to the right, kick with your left leg, and cluck or kiss(whichever the horse is accustomed too) when going to the left, you lead your hand holding the reins to the left and kick with your right leg while clucking or kissing.

    if the horse doesn't neck rein, you would have one rein in each hand. to go to the right, you would pick up your right hand and lightly tug on it or jiggle it(depending on the sensitivity of the horses mouth) you would kick with the left leg. vice versa for the right side too.

    when you pull the rein to the right, you always kick with the left leg. and vice versa for the left. you always do this because kicking with the opposite leg pushes their body in the direction you are wanting to lead them. if you were to kick your right leg and lead to the right, the horse would either be confused or pivot off their front legs.

    i hope this helped you. (:

  5. Imagine you are on a circle on the right rein. It is correct to use :-

    The inside rein tells the horse which way to go.

    The inside leg urges the horse forward

    The outside rein controls speed

    The outside leg controls the horse's hind quarters.

    You don't pull or tug or jiggle.

    OK so you're on a straight line and you always imagine you are on a circle so the horse is bent one way. You want to turn left so ask the horse to turn left with your left rein, push him into the bend with your left leg, to stop him running faster control speed with the right rein and guide his hind quarters with the right leg. (ie stop them swinging out)

    BHSAI - member of BHS

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