
Do you know this manga?

by  |  earlier

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ok i recently read this manga and i would like to kno if anyone knows the name cause i do not remember. so the story is a romance and theres this girl who was in the hospital when she was younger and met this boy who talked to her and she fell in love with him. he also happened to be the bully that got her in the hospital. and so she's older in the story and she begins to date this guy i don't remember if it was buy force of not but she eventually finds out shes the boy she talked to and they kiss at the end. does anyone have any idea what manga this is??




  1. Yes i know this manga too, i will search for it right now.

    I found this one but it was the guy that was in the hospital not the girl

    I'll keep looking though it could also be this one

  2. Omg,I KNOW this manga!!!!I know it but I can't remember what its called!!DAMMIT!!ok its something like...ok I remeber now!!I think its hot gimmick!


    I said I THINK it is. Not I know it is. Or 'it is'. I made sure to specificlly put 'I think'

    Anyway,I wouldn't know,I've never read hot gimmick,I've just heard bout it.

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