
Do you like...Hospitals?

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Do you like...Hospitals?




  1. No... Scary!

  2. I like the idea of a good hospital that one can rely on when in need.  These days they are becoming hard to come by.

  3. nope,

  4. No!!! but once you been hospitalized a lot of times they start to feel like a second home. At least that's how I felt.  I could never really fall asleep at night,  though???

  5. No , simply because I've been in one to long...They do help and they are kind but home is always better...

  6. Back in the old days I did,  Now it's like you're taking your life in your own hands when you go their.  So racially mixed and workers don't get along---just like a madhouse at times.  A fu--king nightmare for sure.  Better to not go if at all possible.

  7. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  8. sure you can meet some rel interesting people while your waiting to be looked after

  9. I think many people associate hospitals with being in pain or death, because it is the only time that they attend or visit one.

    However, yes, I really like hospitals, they house qualified, skilled, experienced people who fix me up when I have an accident,  make sure that my babies and I survive childbirth and help my rapidly aging mother in law have a better quality of life by surgically replacing and fixing bits that have stopped working.

    Hospitals house people who save lives. What is there to not like?

  10. Yes and no.  I have been in alot of hospitals and the thing about them is you end up a prisoner of your doctor or of your body. That's the bad.  The good is some of the nurses are very nice. And they mostly are nice and do everything to comfort you. Also is that you also heal your sickness and without the hospital I would have died.

  11. One of the few things I dislike more than fat girls is hospitals.

  12. its alright...i mean i don't like it but its necessary

  13. Only if I'm in severe pains that I like hospitals.

  14. I don't like hospitals, but that doesn't mean i don't think they are necessary. They only way I will usually go to the hospital is if something is really wrong and I can't see a doctor immediately.  To 'answer' your question.... yes and no.

  15. ummmmmmmmmmmmm Nae I do not I am terrified of them don't ask why a veryyyyyy longgggg story...

  16. NO - I can't stand being pinned down, or shut in a box, no matter how ill I feel.  But I certainly appreciate the care I get there.

  17. I like what they perscribe when i am in pain

  18. I like it when someone takes good care of me if I am vulnerable and hurting.

  19. I like what MOST of them do for people but I don't like being in one.

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