
Do you like banannas?

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  2. Bananas are quite possibly the most delicious fruit ever.  First of all, they're portable, and easy to peel.  The flesh is so sweet, such a comforting squishy consistency, and smells as delicious as it tastes.  Also, it's a savior in baking vegan, as it easily replaces eggs in bread and baked recipes.  Bananas are also potassium loaded, which is good for your blood pressure and stress levels.  And common, what other fruit is similar or comparable?  None-  bananas trump!  :D

  3. There just soooooo good! IDK!       Somtimes they're sweet tasting.

  4. ill eat them but dont love them

  5. Yes, They are so awesome and yummy!

  6. i love bananas because they are rich in potassium and are very convinient becuase there is no cooking involved, so its easy to prepare and cook.  Also they are helthy; however, ad overdosage will lead to halluncinations but that is unlikely, analogous to how too much water will poison you.

  7. Yes:) They're fun to peal and have a nice chewy fruity taste in them haha

  8. Their ok.

    Defintly not, "Omgg This is greeaatt!"

  9. Yep, bananas are tasty.But they're too big sometimes. The bruises are weird looking.

  10. yes they provide me with energy and they are tasty..

  11. yep

  12. I used to hate them, but I recently started eating some and I've discovered that they really aren't that bad. It's not great, but it's ok I guess. I eat them for the healthy stuff they have =].

  13. Hahah random question much!

    I Like Watermelons better! ;D

    But Bananas Are Cool

    Although I always Think Wrong When I Eat Them ;|

  14. Personally, I LOVE bananas. I like them because I get to peel them and because the way they are so easy to chew!

  15. h***s yeah! I love them sooooooooooooooooooo much. Lol. Haha

  16. I am not bananas about them but I like bananas like all other fruits as they are sweet, tasty and healthy, gives you stronger bones, and helps in getting a clean fair skin

  17. Nope.

    I don't like bananas either.

    The texture bothers me.

  18. they are one of my favorite foods, and idk why

  19. I LOVE banannas!!!!!!!!! I love the taste and the look!

  20. yes. good source of potassium and a quick healthy snack.

  21. Yup, and I love banana splits!!!

  22. yes ! cuz they r good alone or wit stuff like a sundae ! :) They are also healthy 2! they are tasty & give me energy!

  23. they arent my favorite but i do like them. i dont know why i like them they are just smushy and realxing and tehy dont get dirty. u can also make a lot of things with bananas.

  24. don't like them it tastes disgusting

  25. i love bananas.

    they are yummy.

    i like their shape too.


  26. not my favourite. especially when they are really rippened. i like them a little unrippened

  27. I love bananas

    Most Ive ate in a day was 10

    Banana split is lovely

    They go great in smoothies

    Cut 1 in half, bake, and pour sugar and golden syrup on is really tasty treat.

    Good in cakes!

    The ones with brown spots on are the best.

    Great on weetabix, branflakes, muesli etc.

    A brilliant healthy snack.

    Lots of energy and potassium.

    =] I love them. Favorite fruit. Favorite food.

  28. I like bananas but the texture isnt that great, i llike firmer things. I eat them before exams to help me stsy full!

  29. yes there grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeattttttttttt

  30. i saw where United Fruit grows the bananas that they sell to all the major produce companys like Dole. After visiting these plantations and seeing what happens to the people who work there, how the constant exposure to the poisons used to keep the spiders out of the bundles is literally mutating these people, I swore I would never eat another one again.
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