
Do you like doctor jokes ?

by  |  earlier

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When the surgeon came to see his young female patient on the day after her operation, she was slightly embarrassed.

So the doctor she asked. "What's wrong?"

"Well this is a bit embarrassing for me, but just how long will it be before I can resume my normal s*x life.

"Uh" stammered the doctor, as he thought pensively.

"Uh, I hadn't really thought about it." replied the stunned surgeon.

"You're the first patient to ever ask me that after a tonsillectomy."




  1. a bit lame..... but it made me snigger

  2. lol!!!!!!!1

  3. please accept my apoligy but no not funny sorry

  4. Thats Alright :)

    I like your jokes.

    Keep Them coming ^^

  5. lol.

  6. tee hee a lil lame but kinda funie

  7. ha ha ha ,,very good

  8. lol!

    nice one!

  9. Thats dirty and only slightly funny.

  10. poor

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