
Do you like hamsters?

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Tell me why you like hamsters. Why you don't like hamsters. Also, tell me if you have a hamster. Tell me if you want a hamster. Tell me if you think their cute. Use description.Describe it all very well! Easy 10 points! Best description of all questions wins!




  1. I like hamsters because they are small,furry,playful,cute. One reason why i dont like hamsters is because they seem to bite more than rats and when they bite it hurts a nd sometimes draw blood also how some can be very scared or shy. Ive been bitten about 10x but they hurt and drew blood others were nippings. I do think they are cute. Also I have 2 dwarf Roborovski hamsters Chuby & Tiny. Two males.There are small because theyre the smallest type of hamster. Its better if you but them in pairs.Theyre also super fast theyre fast because there the fastest. Mine get scared and are still shy. Pretty hard to tame because of shyness and scaredness. They live in a Crittertrail Two! They like it,it seems. Ive had other hamsters they were Syrian. Sadly they ran away and I never found them :*[ . Theyre bigger and you can actually hold them without biting. They dont get scared or bite ive never gotten bittin by them. Miss them. Sherry and Sparks 2005-???? . They were cool two not shy or scared not even a bit. When they ran away i was sad and bought roborovski 3years later.


  2. I LOVE hamsters!  I have had... 13 in my life, ever since I was 6.  I am 15 now.  As of right now, I have 2!  Their names are Lola and Lucy.  Lola is a teddy bear hamster, and Lucy is a dwarf.  They are both so cute and lovable.  Recently, one of them passed away because she had wet tail.  Her name was Lily.  Lucy and Lola don't live together, but sometimes I do let them in a play pen to play with eachother and they get along fine!  I think hamsters are just so adorable and loveable!  The best type of hamster to get is the chinese dwarf, because they are so adorable and friendly.  Lily was a chinese dwarf and she would always play with me and let me hold her.  When I get another hamster, it'll probably be a chinese dwarf.

  3. I've had kinda bad experience with them. I had some when I was little and they were very mean, and went to the bathroom everytime i picked them up.

    However they are one of the cutest pets ever, and they are pretty easy to pick up, they don't run from you as much as gerbils(which is what i have now), and i'm considering getting another hamster in the future.

  4. I love hamsters they are very active and the kind that i have (teddy bear) love humans and are very kind to them. I have three teddy bears. and they are adorable a creme color with a mid-length fur. They have the name teddy bear because their faces have a cuddly teddy bear look to them. If you were to get a hamster I would certainly recommend this breed.

  5. i would say no bcause they arenot as loveable as most things and way more braddy

  6. I love hamsters because they are cute and cuddly and quickly become part of the family (for me anyway).  

    I have not just one hamster, I have at the moment 10 hamsters.

    Whiskers, is the oldest at 2 years old.  He's a golden/banded syrian.  He's my daughter's hamster but I do most of the work cleaning his cage and such.  He loves to give kisses.  We're about to lose him to old age.

    Tiny, is the second oldest at 15 months old.  He's a Chinese Dwarf Hamster.  He's so little, and looks like a typical Chinese Dwarf Hamster.

    Blacky is a rescue from a pet store, not sure of his age, although I think he's almost as old as Whiskers, by the amount of baldness on the back of his ears.   He's a black satin syrian.  We rescued him from a pet-store that had him in with babies that had wet-tail diarrhea.

    Precious Nibbles aka Nibbie is 14 months old.  She is a gray Syrian.  She's my baby girl.  

    Pretzel is 1 year old.  She's a dark golden color.  She's very pretty and loves to be held and loves her treats.  Her parents are Nibbie and Whiskers.  

    Little Lady is also 1 year old.  She's a light gray and white banded.  She doesn't like to be handled.    Her parents are also Nibbie and Whiskers.

    Ace is also 1 year old.  He's a golden banded syrian hamster.  He likes to be held on HIS terms.  His parents are also Whiskers and Nibbie.

    Princess is 1 year old.  She's golden colored.  She likes to be handled and will nibble your shirt through her cage just to get your attention.  Her parents are Whiskers and Nibbie.

    Oreo is also 1 year old.  She's black and white as her name suggests.  She is my little mischievious rascal.  She likes to be handled ONLY by adults.  

    Cinnamon is 1 year old.  She's a dark golden color.  She likes to be handled on HER terms.  She likes treats and climbs her cage for a raisin.

    That's all...they are my babies.

  7. I do. But they bite alot and sometimes draw blood. So if they weren't so mean I would get one. Both Petsmart and Petco said that they are afraid to handle the hamster and have gotten bitten from them. So thats why I am getting fancy mice.

  8. I love hamsters. I have 2, and have lost 3.  they are cute and fun creatures.  I like the Syrians the best.

  9. I had a hamster named Tomi, she was very smart. I let her run around my apartment and when I tapped my fingers on the floor and called her name, she came back to me right away.  She never bit me or anyone else. She was so cute.  I had her for almost five years and she died in her sleep. Since hamsters are so quiet, you don't have to worry about the neighbors complaining, and yet she was so playful and sweet.

  10. Yes, I love Hamsters! There is nothing  dislike about hamsters... I have 1 syrian hamster that is 1 year old. I love him so much! He is black and white and a big cutie..Yes, I think hamsters are so cute with there little noes and their mini Tail and face!! I wanted anthor  a hamster but now I thought that if i get anthor hamster my syrian (his name is Spunky) he might get jelous and i really dont need anthor one i have many other pets and i have everything i would like with Spunky. Cool question ill give you a star!! Hope i answered all ya questions!

  11. I LOVE MY HAMSTERS! I have two robo dwarf hamsters and they are they cutest little things! they are SO playful and they love toilet paper tubes :P they are brown with a white tummy and they are twins but one is fatter  :o lol!!! there's nothing cuter than a fat dwarf hamster :)


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