
Do you like ....?

by Guest61935  |  earlier

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.... the taste of fear ?





    tell me about it

    i hate it

  2. no, I fear it

  3. It tastes bitter & has too many side effects .... I'm staying on the safe side, that's why i like the sweet taste of faith

  4. i like the smell of it .. for it means my victim has succumbed to my will ..

    and it tastes so good as well ..

  5. Usually no but I think there is such a thing as a healthy fear...

    I mean we teach that to young children very early in life .....fear & consequences !  Without fear &  respect for consequences  life for all of us would be chaotic !

    Personally the only fear I get enjoyment from is riding my motorcycle....that's a healthy fear !

  6. No

  7. it's disciplinary, and discipline is good at times.

  8. not really it tastes like c**p

  9. Me no fear : )

    I believe fear is a power which can be utilized in a positive manner and to your advantage.... If one is scared, he/ she get things done allot better and quicker...

    I hope I could convey, what I was trying to refer to.
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