
Do you like "bad" weather?

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If so, do you find that people generally don't understand you? Like maybe you've been called crazy and asked what's wrong with you? To what extent do you like "bad" weather? Have you relocated just so you could be in a "bad" weather area




  1. Yes, I do- especially when the clouds get black and low.  Its really awesome!!

  2. Well, not disasters, but I love rain and thunderstorms. I'm lucky enough not to have somebody who hates thunder.

  3. Yes, I love it!  I especially love those really dark Cumulonimbus clouds on a sunny day.  That's my favorite!!  When I was in high school, I'd get up early before school and drive waaaaay out to the gravel roads to watch a storm roll by.  I grew up in Iowa with all those corn you got to see the entire storm roll in, a panoramic view from left to right.  

    I don't really like overcast days b/c those seem to drag on.  But I LOVE thunderstorms!  When ever a tornado warning was out, my sister would be the first one in the basement with candles and our dog...I'd be in the front yard looking for it!  I don't like tornadoes and wreckage, but I do love that thrill!

    I'm in New England now and rarely see anything exciting, such a let down!  But, we're moving back to an Iowa location where we can see some action (for his job of course).  I wish I had a job like those storm chasers in Twister!  uh, I'd love my job and my life, how exciting!

    You're not alone!  Take care!

    Did you know that 80% of the world's tornadoes accumulate in the midwest region of the United States?

  4. as long as I'm in a shelter its cool, I like a good Lightning Storm and a snowstorm not so much ice storms or tornadoes or hurricanes

  5. yeah I love it, but I'm lucky enough to live with people who love it too.

  6. If you're talking hurricanes, tornadoes, rain, storms and things of that nature then yes!!! Love them all! My friends think I'm crazy =.=  

  7. I love storms and extreme heat & humidity. Remember Hurricane Isabel that hit the U.S. east coast a few years ago? Well, I spent a few hours outside in the middle of those raging winds. (I live near Richmond, VA.)                            

  8. no because maybe something bad will happen.

  9. I'll find that my mood actually improves if I know that thunderstorms are on the way. And if they are potentially severe? I get giddy.

    I think it may be some sort of illness.

    My husband doesn't relate much. He does, however, TRY to relate. He travels to Oklahoma City very often for his job and he wants to take me with him very badly. He knows how much I'd love the supercells, and how open the views of the storms are. He loves me and wants to make me happy, but he does not fully relate to my passion for it all.


  11. I like lightning shows, hurricanes, and tornadoes. I've been interested in severe storms since I was in elementary school. I'm planning on earning a degree in meteorology.

  12. Heck yeah!!!  I love it.  I was at sea in the Pacific during a typhoon and I had never felt so alive.  I even walked into a summer thunder storm in a broad valley and the pressure front knocked me on my keister well before the storm got to me. I could see all the wild grasses in front of the black storm wall being flattened as if by an invisible hand.  It was awesome.  The hail - not so much.  Took refuge under a trestle train bridge and almost got flooded out.  Dangerous stuff, chasing storms for thrills.

  13. i hate storms, love heavy rain, hate wind, hate the heat, love the cold and snow!! So, i dont like bad weather and i do.  <3


  15. Define bad weather.

    I define bad weather as cold, gray, snowy, icy, or rainy. Hurricanes, tornadoes and hail are also bad weather

    And I hate it all, except thunderstorms, those are entertaining.

    I want to relocate away from the bad weather area I currently live in

  16. love storms n rain...ant thee freash smell after them......

  17. yes i am a truck driver and get the chance

    to see all type of fun weather

  18. What is bad weather. I used to know someone that liked gloomy days.

    We all have seem to have different definitions.  

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