
Do you like rain?

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Do you like rain?




  1. sometimes

  2. I love it. Nothing makes me happier than torrential rain. Lightning and thunder are a plus although they do make it a little more dangerous to go outside in the rain...

  3. I like the rain.  But hate thunderstorms.  I hate tornadoes even more.


    Without rain we would all die because we would have no water or plants

  5. I LOVE IT

    i love it when the sun is shining coz then the day feels fresh and bright

    i love it during a foggy evening because the scene is just so gloomy and that gives me inspiration :D

    i love it during a clear night

    and i love it the most when i'm standing w/someone outside kissing coz believe it or not it is SO true when they say that kissing is the best during the rain because it so TOTALLY is :D

  6. it depends. i like rain when its a light mist or just a shower because i love the the scent it leaves afterwards. but i dont like storms

  7. no it is so boring and depressing

  8. sometimes i like to go play in the rain but during thunderstroms no i dont want to die just yet

  9. I like rain when I'm sleeping so relaxing(:

  10. Only in light showers.The calming type.

  11. It's one of nature's epic displays. It's definitely very likable.

  12. only after a night of drinking and the next day all you want to do is sleep..........then its great! but beyond that it sucks!
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