
Do you like starbucks coffe?

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Do you like starbucks coffe?




  1. Yes, starbucks quality is great, and is a great rush of caffeine which allows me to stay awake for a long time when needed. I highly recommend it.

  2. oh my gosh! i lve Starbucks i like the frappichinou!

  3. yes, everytime, i go to costco if they have coupons, and you spelled coffee wrong.

  4. I don't like their coffee, but even if I did I would choose to support a local business rather than Starbucks.

  5. I can get just as good somewhere else for less.  Why do they think their coffee is so special?

  6. No.

  7. Yes because of the taste

  8. no

  9. No, it's not that good.

  10. Nope.

  11. No l don't.

  12. Much, much, much too strong.  Coffee drinks are good but the iced coffee at McDonald's is just as good and much cheaper.  I usually get tea or hot chocolate at the coffee shops in bookstores.

  13. it's okay.

  14. No. It's over-brewed, over-priced, stale, burnt-tasting swill.

  15. No I hate all cofee, I am alergic

  16. Yes and you spelled coffee wrong genius

  17. I only like the bar drinks, not the brewed coffee, but Starbucks buys only the highest quality Arabica beans at premium prices (they are over-paying the farmers to help them). They also help poor rural, villages get running, clean water through the Ethos Water program. They're really involved in charity and things. Other coffee stores like Blenz or Tim Hortons, I've never heard of them getting involved with things like that. I also love the taste! They keep their coffee fresh, dump it out after 20-30mins.

  18. Yes. I used to really dislike them, but after they put all the local shops out of business, I was forced to learn to like them. lol Now I'm hooked. And now they're shutting most of them down in my area. grrrr.....

  19. YES I DO!!! venti double chocolate chip frap with no whip three shots and mocha syrup plz =P

  20. Starbucks doesn't sell coffee! It sells over-priced sugary c**p under the alias "coffee." If you want good ol' authentic coffee, go to Peet's or Latin America. Your pick.

  21. nooo they are invading planet earth:P:P

  22. emmm yes ... why not

  23. i don't like coffee at all, but their frappaccinos are amazing.

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