
Do you like the movie titanic?!?

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  1. Yeah I like it. I thought they chose te actors/actresses very well and I couldn't have done any better. I have a friend who is like almost OBSESSED with it. It's very entertaining though haha.

  2. best movie ever!!!!.....what else can i say?

  3. Yeah!!!!!!!

  4. No, it gives me stress because the ship wreck part is real and we already knew the ending.  It was inescapable for them.  I don't care how much you "Hollywood" it up, the story still sucks and lots of people died.

  5. idk its not a fav. its a very good movie but i like the happy ending movies. only cause its the one place where you can watch something thats perfect. but other than that. Titantic is an amazing movie but I try to watch it over and over.  

  6. yea i love that movie

    even though i always cry at the end =[

  7. A lttie, it gets interesting when the ship actually sinks, that's the only part I remember lol. :[

  8. The first 500 times I saw it, I loved it. Now I won't watch it when it's on.

  9. I loved that movie, saw it in the theatre 3 times, cried every time

    the last time though, I actually heard others over my own

    The lights went up and no one had dry eyes, tissues every where

    bought it and still watch it at least once a year

    ( :

  10. The only thing to like about it is Kate Winslet's tatas.  

  11. I LOVE THAT MOVIE! ppl think its stupid but THEY ARE RETARTED!!! its earned more money that any other movie and won what... 10 oscars. ofcourse its a good movie  

  12. yea i watched it like a million times but its so sad

  13. I love that movie, it's one of my favorites. It's very sad though.

  14. Great movie...sad story.

  15. i used to like it alot, but it is old now  

  16. omg yes i love that movie  even though some parts are sad :(  :)

  17. Never seen it...Please don't tell me what happens at the end just in case I decide to watch it when I'm in a nursing home in years to come  

  18. too long

  19. yes i did till my sister made me watch it like 100 times just cause she had a crush on Leonardo !

  20. Yes and I cry everytime I watch it!  

  21. yes it was romantic funny and sad at the same time!

  22. OMG!!!




    Sometimes I only watch it to see Leonardo DiCaprio.

    He is so s**y!!!

  23. Yes, I remember watching it 3 or 4 times one summer with friends.

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