
Do you like the saw movies?

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Do you like the saw movies?




  1. i liked 1,2,3 but 4 was c**p.

  2. I do, but honestly I think that after the 3rd one or actually the second one they should have just stopped. I mean jigsaw is dead now and this next movie is going to just be weird! I say that if they want to make up for his death they need to have better ways to torture in the next movie. They have the same stunts and its getting boring. I want something new. I'm sure they can think of better ways to torture the people.

  3. I kind of like it.

    Their not the BEST for me but their okay.

  4. I like 1 and 2. 3 was okay but not as good. 2 was the best!

  5. Not at all there too rich for my blood.

  6. Not really, to be honest... Then again, I'm not easily impressed - especially when it comes to horror movies

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