
Do you like to play rugby?

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Do you like to play rugby?




  1. It's alright I guess..there are much better things in the world though..

  2. no....I don't like to play rugby....i LOVE to play rugby. It has basically changed my life and given me a new passion and drive to try to become the best that I can be, both on and off the field. It is an incredible sport and one of the best experiences that anyone could ever have...if you get the chance to play, no matter what size or shape you are, PLAY!

  3. yeah I love Rugby. In my opinion it's the best sport in the world everyone should have a go at playing it sometime in their lives. I play Flyhalf(Outhalf) for my club.

  4. ya i will play if i get a chance.......i don't know the rules exactly...think abt indian sports yar

  5. Yes!  It really is the best sport I know of.  I've tried a bit of everything, but once I found rugby, I was finally home.  It has everything American football needs and everything soccer lacks.  Most importantly, it is one of the few sports out there that encourages more well-rounded athleticism as opposed to just power or stamina.

  6. used to love playing to old to play league now couldn't keep up or my body couldn't take the punishment any longer

    could still play union for a vets team as its slower could play for some first teams realisticly in union

    but loved playing both codes prefer league to be honest both to watch and play

  7. Absolutely.  I love playing rugby.  It's the best sport in the world.  It works out your mind and your body all while having a good time with your teammates.  I couldn't play anything else.  It's the only sport where you can hate some guy you never met for 80min solid then be best friends after the final blow of the whistle.

  8. Retired got past 40 and the injuries took a lot longer to recover from so now I just sit and moan about the standards

    :-( and the lack of exercise that I know get

  9. yes - just think of tackling more like wrestling than american football, and you will have tons of fun, and not have tons of concussions/trips to the O.R.

  10. Well. I would ove to play rugby but never had a chance to play it.

    Am sure it's gonnabe rocking out there on field running and trying to get the ball.

  11. It is my very life

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