
Do you like trinidad and tobago

by  |  earlier

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its not that i dislike trinidad. im proud of my country. its just that i'm getting fed-up with the crime, inflation, corruption, the nasty manzanilla beach. its starting to get old. do u feel the same way?




  1. Love Trinidad and Tobago, hate the crime however. I do think the government is to blame as far as the crime, not only are Trinidadians tired of the crime but you have people outside of the country watching and wondering what's going on.

  2. You're right. I love my country too bad, but the crime disgusting and inflation. The government (both past and present) are sores to the country.

  3. Geez I wonder who makes the Manzanilla Beach nasty..............!

    I do love my Country inspite of the ills which plagues it now.  If you look around the world every country has its issues (war, famine, high gas prices) A country doesn't go bad on its own - its citizens contribute!

    So if Manzan ain't tickling yuh fantasy - try Carenage - I hear the water there is absolutely lovely this time of year!  Look out for where those Yatchs are docked and bathe right there

  4. Trinidad and Tobago is just like any other counrty/island we have good and bad.....if we don't experience the bad then we will never appreciate the good.  I am proud to be a Trini no matter what.

  5. Yes. Despite the issues, T-n-T still has great culture.

  6. I'm half Trini....and I can honestly say that for the majority of my life I didn't give a d**n about it

    (Grew up in the U.S.)

    { Harsh but the truth is the truth}

    However, for some reason.......during this past year, I've grown to love the country, and I like Grenada.

    I can't explain why this happened......but there it is.

    So I proudly say that I'm half Trini......and I do plan on doing my part to improve the conditions when I'm able.

  7. I love TNT I was born there and lived for twenty five years there... I'm very nervous when I visit but like every other country you have to be aware of your surroundings... The place looks old I agree ,but you have to blame the government they really need to start cleaning up Trinidad before it disappears on the world

  8. Love it bad bad!

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