
Do you love Italy and Italians?

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I write you from Italy.I'm a girl.




  1. Mi piaciano veramente gl'Italiani.  Ho visuto li' per un paio d'anni e mi sono inamorato della cultura e il popolo.   non sono sicuro per quali motivi quel altro dice che siete cattivi.  non sono mica d'accordo. Puo' darsi che lui abbia avuto una brutta esperienza.  se e' cosi' mi dispiace per lui.

  2. Never been to Italy, my daughter is going in January, and I married a Sicillian.

  3. I am afraid of Itallians for their cheatings.Italy is a great country with rich culture,But ittalians ar ch..

  4. i havnt had ne experience wit Italians,but i llllluv d Italian culture.

  5. I live Italy. And I have an Italian girlfriend.

  6. Certo! Gli Italiani sono le più gente nel mondo e anche l'Italia è il più bel paese.

    I absolutely love Italy. I have a million friends there. I get to spend my summer in Italy next year and I am so excited. I can't wait to be back in the most beautiful country in the world (I've been twice). Everything about Italy is amazing. The people are unique and the cities are filled with fascinating history. It is the birthplace of Democracy and Fashion. It is such an amazing place. One can never be bored in Italy. How could anyone not love it?

    P.S. I hope they win the world cup... Forza gli Azzurri!

  7. i love italy and italians very much. im italian so that might be one reason... :)

  8. whynot..

  9. Yes i love Italy ,Italians...the most chilled out people i have met....the most beautiful cities Vencie, Rome ...florence....and my favourite.......ESPRESSO !!! I am a die hard fan of 6 grams or 20ml of Brown heaven with  light brown crema clouds....

    And the cars......


  10. Italy I think I can say I like it but you italians...I don't think so!I don't want to offend anybody or to generalise but you're the worse popolo!per tantissimi motivi!

  11. doesnt everyone love italians  and the food is to die for

  12. Yes, why not ???

  13. Their food, yes.

  14. Nice place and nice people as far as my experience good. Have been to northern part of Italy sometime ago.

  15. godfather : siscily has great babes micheal, be in exile till you make an offer they can't refuse.

  16. let's say this..there are a lots of funny and cool people in italy but like in every place u go u can find the bad ones.

    i belive italians are very nosy..sometimes racist.

    Guys think they are themost beautiful men in the earth...

    you can find hot women and ugly one...funny one and stupid depends if u going in the north south...

    i would say that it reallt depends who u meet.

    i am italian i met my husband in italy ( he is american) now we living in the sates. of course i like italy and italians more then the states and americans...

    in italy food is the best, clubs stay open til 5 in the morning...culure beautiful...a lots of places to go...ya should go.

    mi manca molto l'italia...come dicevo non tutti gli italiani sono simpatici, ci sono i ficcanaso i maleducati..come in tutti gli altri continenti...dipende da chi frequenti. il mangiare e' il miglior mi manca troppo la potessi tornerei in italia adesso..subito...

    ah! l america nn ha nulla di speciale...tutto fumo e niente arrosto!!!

  17. i'm italian and i want to explain about the problem with soccer. the guy up there has says that he dont like italian for their cheaters.

    i want to explain that the cheaters are about the soccer,and only soccer.the medias are the worste way to hear the news. the italian's peolple is angry as all of you. the italians are onest people and they love the peace and the any peole,and problably,more as other peolple.

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