
Do you love government?

by  |  earlier

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If you do,

What in the world is wrong with you?




  1. The government is evil.

    People that work for the government should be ashamed and treated as pariahs.

    The gov crucified the Son of God. They tax and regulate us to death. They hassle us for everything we do. They seldom make the world or our country better.

    PLUS - They have started every war in history. Encouraged the development of the technology of death (missles, ect) at the expense of every other thing in the world.

  2. No... government is the antithesis of progress...

  3. I don't dislove it.

  4. I love government and Obama.  I recently had a frontal lobotomy and everything seems so clear to me now.

  5. I am interested in government and politics and how they affect people's lives.

  6. No I don't, I love my country, and there's a HUGE difference.

  7. I love the game, not the government.

  8. Whats wrong with you not to have faith in our government especially when Obama becomes president

  9. I do, and shame on you for using an American flag as your background for your avatar if you don't.

    It's f'd up.  Really bad.  But to throw your hands in the air and say 'I'm done with it', when hundreds of thousands have died to establish a gov. that gives us freedom, is disrespectful to their memories and their sacrifices.

  10. Government is a necessary evil.


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