
Do you love the italians?

by Guest55971  |  earlier

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Do you love the italians? The italians love the americans and all the USA! Sorry for my english! Goodbye of the Italy! Ciao ciao!




  1. No, I do not. Italians are for then most part rude, uncivil, obnoxious, loud, and terribly, terribly ignorant. They also drive like complete and utter idiots.

  2. I love the Italians.....I love visiting Italy....and I am not an American - I am a Canadian.

  3. Since my birth father was from Italy (spoke English as a second language), I'd have to say Yes, I love Italy!

  4. Italy is a very romantic place! Italians on the other hand... hmmm...

  5. Who dont like Italians?! :)

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