
Do you love the sun?

by  |  earlier

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I love the sun so much, I'd marry it if I could.




  1. Honestly, I dislike it since my skin is overly sensitive to sunlight and my heat tolerance is low.

  2. Oh yeah.  It defeniately brightens up my day!

  3. Not emotionally, It does feel good after a rain.

  4. Me too!

  5. You know, to tell you the truth, I have always loved the moon more than the sun. However, that was because my schedule at that time was one of a night owl. Now it has changed, and while I find myself not quite in love with him, I no longer despise him. We've come to a nice, catatonic relationship.

  6. I have it tattooed on my back and enjoy it more than the snow!

  7. You get used to it :P Where I live almost everyday is sunny, so the sun becomes a part of your everyday life.

  8. Uhhhh........... Sometimes...............

  9. Yes.  I just wish it didn't cause skin cancer and premature aging.

  10. It suely beats the snow and rain!
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