
Do you love to surf.?

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ive never been surfing but i'd love to try it do you know what it is like and if it is fun or to scary because of the sharks




  1. So let's get down to the reality of surfing right away.Surfing is an ocean sport. before you decide to surf, decide to know and understand the ocean. Learn to be at home with its currents, rips, undertows and sometimes BIG waves. The original surfers were watermen (and women, both men and women surfed, but certain waves were reserved for royalty). I don't just mean being good at swimming in a pool, the ocean can be very unforgiving. I have seen lots of really good pool swimmers have to get rescued. You have to learn surf etiquette (so the experienced surfers in the line up don't want to drown you), how to paddle and take off on a wave, and how to ride a wave.

    That having been said, YES, I love surfing. It is great fun and very challenging. I have been surfing since 1966, and I have enjoyed every bit of it.

    It can be fairly "scary" because of big waves, but that is the thrill of it, and that is why those of us who spend most of our lives surfing on small waves yearn for the big stuff. If it wasn't thrilling and exhilarating, we probably wouldn't want to do it.

    Obviously you are a sand crab. Folks who know the ocean (and it's inhabitants) don't worry about sharks. Hundreds of more farmers get struck by lightning every year than people get bitten by sharks. Oh they are out there, and I, for one, have learned to use common sense practices to avoid being on their dinner menu, but it's not something that we generally worry about. Do you worry about getting struck by "clear air" lightning?

    Well if you ever want to try, make sure you start out by learning how to be at home in the ocean. Then take surf lessons, it really makes a diference.

    I love it. My son & daughter in law surf, my son-in-law surfs and all five grand children are at various stages of becoming little water men/women and surfers (ages 5 thru 9). Thanks for asking, and I hope you get to give it a try some day.

  2. surfing is great. i love it. and anyone who wants to learn will probably love it too.

    dont be scared of sharks because they wont attack you. the only way is if you were out in the water and decided to cut your leg off so all the blood gets in the water and that will attract a shark. so dont worry about them.

    one thing that might be a little frightening is paddling out for your first time in waves that are 15 feet high. thats a little scary but dont worry about that because it wont happen. and once you want to ride those waves, its AWESOME getting in a barrel and comming out and knowing that you were inside a wave

    surfing is great because when you catch a wave, it is the best experience that you ever had. its just so awesome. it feels like you are flying over the water.

  3. its awsome everyone should learn

  4. I've surfed for about 4 years now and I Iove it.

    Don't worry about sharks, you're more likely to be struck by lightening!


    Besides, it's an amazing experience.

    Utter Freedom.

    Hope you get into it, dude. Rip 'em a new one.

  5. Just try it. Make sure you get some lessons and that you learn on a longboard.

    The Surfboard Man
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