
Do you own any unusual pets?

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I want an iguana




  1. my dog .

    he is the definition of unusual .

  2. i have 3 giant african land snails and 6 qualis

  3. nah..tropical fish and a dog is as far as i will go..saying that some of my fish are the strange looking...:-)

  4. My kids had several wierd pets. 4 Iguanas, and a hedgehog are the wierdest pets.

  5. i have a skunk and a cabbit(a cross between a cat and na rabit) hehe they rock

  6. Well I have normal pets, two dogs two cats. Soon I will get a guinea pig. But I think I have the weirdest animal of all....

    MY BROTHER!!! :O

  7. I own a degu at the moment, used to have 2 of them but one of them just died a month ago :(

  8. is a snake unusual i duno

  9. i once had a brazilian possum, she was very sweet and never bit anyone :) i miss her!

    They are about the size of a gerbil.

  10. I own a betta fish, angora rabbit, a collie, a cat, and a cow....

  11. well, im gonna get a hedgehog pretty soon. =)

    And i have a VERY unusual beagle named copper.

  12. if you live in ocala, florida i could give you one of mine

  13. I have a leopard gecko, nothing all that unique though.

    I want a Mexican Red knee Tarantula or Ball python.

  14. It depends what you call unusual, I have a pet Python, I call him Monty, I thought it would be rude not to, here he is:

    He's pretty partial to a baby rat (not for the squeemish)

  15. i had a hamster but it died a week after i bought it

  16. Well, I own a gecko right now and have for about a week.

  17. no cupcake i dont just have the regular stuff,fish,cat and in 4 weeks im getting a pomeranian for my daughters 5th birthday.but i do know someone who had a couple of snakes, a tarantula,and some scorpions,you can take it i never visited that

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