
Do you play .......?

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Do you play volley ball? If you do please give me some tips on how to get better. and if yoy are on a league what is it's name?




  1. yep. pointbreak volleyball club. tips: when passing a ball, keep you knees bent, back straight, and dont swing your arms higher than your shoulders as you contact the ball. when hitting, make sure you know your approach and contact the ball and snap your wrist at the highest level you can reach. When jump serving, keep your eyes on the ball and practise. good luck!

  2. It takes enormous practice to be able to play by yourself (i.e. if the ball comes to you, you can control it easily) - but that alone is not enough. The most important & toughest part is to learn how to play as a team, i.e. to be able to judge your strengths & weaknesses, and to judge how your team can help you where you weaker & also how you can help your team where you are stronger.

  3. yea i play for usavb great northern leage i play setter and outside hitter. to get better pratice ALOT. find a team you can join and practice with them, even if your not on the team practice with them anyway it so much easyer practiceing with a team

  4. I play for mmy school all u have to do is practice practice practice!!

  5. I used to play a long, long time ago. Practice playing, which will help you get better at aiming the ball, and lift weights to strengthen your arms. That will also give you better control of the ball. Fun game!

  6. no but my mom taught me how hit inside ur wrists and be alert go to bed early for this if u hurt ur wrist play the game still this shows ur coach determination.(ice it when u get home.)

  7. Of course i play!!!! duh!!! i love the sport and i have been playing for 5 almost 6 years!!! omg i love it!!! just practice and u will get better at it!!! i did play on spokane velocity but this year i switched to rivercity volleyball!!!

  8. yes i do if you want to go to a really good volleyball camp you can go to hudson high volleyball camp at hudson high in hudson(duh)its only $60.00 aand you work on everything servers,hits,rules ect.really cool i might go!m/b see u there!!!!!!!!:)

  9. no

  10. practice with your team mates 2-3 times a week and you'll be good at it...make sure to know well your position/purpose in the game...if you're a spiker, practice spiking down the floor of a wall and let it bounce back up and spike it again..if you're a setter, practice tossing to a wall..if you're a digger, practice on receiving a spike properly...

  11. just practise hard I stopped now because i moved to Perth so please if anyone known some volley teems please let me known :}

  12. Yea i play vollyball it rocks!!!! well to get better just have fun with it!!!!!!!!!! well work on your serve and passing and setters are hard to find so that is a good thing to be able ot do!!  I play on Appalichicn High School team in Blont County, Alabama last year i played on the junior high team (i was in 7th) and i made the Varsity team this year (an 8th grader) i got better by playing with friends and just have fun when you play

  13. Ive played volleyball since I was in 5th grade. I have been playing my entire life.  But no matter how long you play, you need to practice and dedicate all the time you can to it if you really want to get better.  I play now for Tidewater team in Virginia, and am practicing for the All Navy Team.  The only advice I can give you is make sure you have fun and make sure you work hard.  It will pay off in the end.

  14. All u need to do is b determined. Try your hardeston every drill. And when ur not in practice get sum friends/ teamates and practice on da beach dis will help u move across the gym floor easier

  15. yes i do play volleyball, and if u wish to get better u need to get your friends over and practice! just have fun with it, once u get the understanding of it you're good to go, and also if the highschools near u have volleyball camps those are very good as well

  16. yes i do play volleyball. i think i could go pro?
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