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people you went to preschool with?




  1. I didn't go to preschool or kindergarten. There wasn't such a thing where I lived. I was in day care for one year, though, while my mom finished her university degree. I remember a little boy who tried to kiss me during nap time and that he was African-American (a real novelty to me, coming from an all-white town). I remember snack was saltine crackers and orange juice. I also remember needing a kleenex during nap time. The teachers were in a room across the hall and they got angry when I got up to ask for the kleenex. Don't remember any names or any pleasant or fun things. Just those three memories.

    I do, however, remember the names of most the kids I went to  school with starting in grade 1 half-way through grade 4 when we moved. We didn't move far away, though, so I heard about them all the way through high school. I still write and e-mail to a few of them.

  2. I do not remember the other children, but I remember a teacher and a janitor!

  3. Considering that those I went to Young Fives with are the same kids I went through elementary school and High school with and graduated with only about 30 in our class.  Yes, I remember most of them.  Do I keep in touch with them? Only 3-4.

  4. Very random question...

    I do remember my teacher and a few friends

    (their still my friends...)
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