
Do you remember choosing your life?

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(It doesn't matter if it was in a dream you had or an actual memory you had from right before your childhood)




  1. Memory is a function of the brain.  Since you have no brain before you are conceived you can have no memory of pre-life.

  2. FLYLEAF , i know you dont want my messages anymore , but i have something to tell you

    this time im serious , i sometimes see stuff about people so listen ...i see something about a red car accident and you, dont know if your car is red but i see a crash , doesn't seem too much of a big accident but you need to watch out when being on the road , its either your car red or the car of the other person which can have an accident with yours so very careful not playing around btw    

    have a SAFE day!

    oh and no i dont remember anything like that but i do know details about my past life...

  3. If people choose their lives, why would anyone choose a life of oppression over a life of freedom, or a life of constant starvation over a life where food is plentiful and cheap.  As someone who has escaped these terrible things, let me say that no one would freely choose such a life.

  4. vaguely

    but not choosing it...i believe it was pre-made for us but we also make our own paths because we haven't done them yet so we still make

  5. I don't understand....?

  6. I would have chosen the parents I had and the home I had...but I wouldn't have chosen my later life...after I left home. Well..I chose it but I didn't really know what I was choosing. Boy do I wish I could go back and change it! No...I don't remember anything before I was born...and not much from those first few years.

  7. Good i dont remember...I at times find it absurd that if we so carefully choose and plan, why do we forget after we are born?

    And for the answerer who feels that why wd anyone choose poverty...when we are spirits we do not feel or think like humans, we view our own lives objectively...we choose 'bad' or difficult lifetimes for our spiritual progress

  8. No.. I think that would be like cheating, and it would defy the whole purpose of life.

  9. That is a good question, I felt like there were times I did stuff and Remembered it from before. I was at a barn store one time and I said to my mom that I was here before,,she said no I wasnt that its the first time your here. I know sounds weird but its happened many times before,like i remember doing the same thing.

  10. Well I don't know and if I did I don't remember it, maybe I waited more than 250 million years to be here now???

  11. I do not see how it is possible since I did not exist. My first memory was around 3.

  12. I don't personally remember anything but my 3 year old niece did.   She told my sister that she was born to her to help her.  She said it many times and she was always dead serious.  She even described scenes from her mother's life before she was born, as if she had been watching her.

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