
Do you smoke........?

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Do you smoke?




  1. I used to smoke four packs of Kools a day. I quit cold turkey eleven years ago.haven't had even one since and don't crave them. Your body talks to you if you listen.Also gave up my habit of too much alcohol ten years ago. I still crave good dry red wine but I'm one of those who cannot drink responsibly.Almost half Cherokee might be a factor.I'm much healthier and happier without them.

  2. yes 20 a day

  3. Occasionally when I am out clubbing but not all the time

  4. nope

  5. No never.

    I can't find anything good about smoking.

    But i can find about 20 bad things.

  6. yes, and right now I

    am eating a jolly

    rancher lollipop.

  7. Not me nor anyone else in my family except for the one person who's struggling to keep alive at the hospital this very minute, while doctors just repeat (without us asking), "you do know she's at an end stage now".

    It's been horrific these past few yeas with this person so completely sick unnecessarily, simply because she smoked every time she was upset or nervous, or anxious or expectant of some news. ETC. ETC.

    Right now it is a constant battle with the medical professionals and their "unwanted" opinion, simply when you want this person to get well enough to have all the tubing removed, and to be able to eat once again (ever so slowly). And you just don't want to hear them tell you again and again that her LUNGS are completely damaged, blackened by emphysema, and that if she's stays too long with the tubing there'll be damage to her oral cavity and there are chances of infections, complications, etc.

    SMOKING changes lives for ever!!!
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