
Do you speed when driving?

by Guest62981  |  earlier

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Do you stick to the speed limit or constantly drive too fast? I think everyone speeds and only some are honest about it! I'm terrible, I speed everywhere cos I'm always late!




  1. yes.

  2. In the city or on the Interstate you have to go

    with the flow.  If the speed limit on the Inter-

    state is 55 and everbody is going 65 or 70,

    normally the HP will not bother you.  If you

    are the only one on the road and you are

    speeding you will be noticed a lot quicker.

    Everybodyi is a "speeder".

  3. When I had a low powered car and low powered motorcycle, I would tend to go too fast, but now I have more powerful machines, I stick to the limits, I have nothing to prove.

    The car has a guage to show the fuel consumption, I tend to try to get this to between 50 and 60 miles per gallon, this requires gently acceleration and a lot of anticipation, but it makes the drive more pleasant, and cheaper.

  4. I do go over the limit, when the situation dictates it, by that I mean, everyone else is. I am never late, even when I do the limit, because I leave early and being on time is a habit of mine. People who are late often, really don't have good reasons other than, attitude!

  5. I stick to all urban limits, 30,40 etc. Invariably I do not exceed 77mph in a 70 limit and 55 in a 50 limit.

  6. To be honest not really, maybe now and then on the motorways but who doesn't on them.

  7. always speed

  8. I keep up with traffic. I am not the fastest guy on the road, but I know I am not the slowest either. In town, I usually drive the speed limit, a little over, simply because of the traffic lights. In between them, I will speed up, if the next light is green.

    On the interstates, I go about 9 over, it usually keeps me off of the radar, and I can still get where I want a little faster.

  9. I always do. I don't know why, I just do.

  10. only when i cannot get cocaine boom boom. seriously mostly all the time but only about 10mph above the limits.

  11. Only on the Autobahn


  13. h***s yeah i do.

  14. I do...but never, I'm serious, when my daughter is in the car. I drive like a grandma with her in the car.

  15. Lots of today's speed limits are archaic and date back to the 60s when cars were much less safe and took much longer to stop.Stopping distances have halved for some cars yet the speed on a motorway is still 70mph. Go along any motorway and you'll find 90% of the drivers driving at around 80-85 mph...safely but illegally. Some speed limits are sensible eg 30mph through villages and some are too high..I believe 20mph would be fast enough through town centres and past schools.

    The vast majority of drivers drive responsibly and some of the speed limits need to be raised so as not to criminalise these people.

    Yes, you'll get boy racers speeding through villages at's these that need clamping down on.

    To answer your question..I drive at a speed which I consider safe (I don't want to wreck my car or injure myself or other people)...if the speed limit on a road is unreasonably low, then I break that limit(but ONLY if it's safe to do so).

  16. I always have and always will stick to the speed limits. I went over the 40 limit once by 6mph and got caught. It cost at that time £20 which I could not afford, plus the 3 points on the license which cost me more when I came to renew my insurance. 3 years ago my wife was caught on a camera and she was fined £30 plus the 3 points. Those 3 points cost us dear for 3 years when renewing the insurance. My car has a cruise control which I now set at the speed limits so I can never inadvertently stray over the limit. Strangely enough my journey times are just about the same and my fuel consumption on a 2 litre car overall is a brilliant 38mpg. So we have a treble bonus. No fines, no increased insurance cost and lower running cost. It must be worth it.

  17. yes, it's got to be done!

  18. Whether they admit it or not, everyone pushes the limits of what is allowed sometimes. If they don't, they are not confident drivers and should not be on the road.

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