
Do you think...(Easy ten points)?

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Do you think that stressing over a possible pregnancy for 2 or 3 days can cause major stress, which then causes a late period?




  1. Yes. If you stress a lot it, can cause a late period.

  2. i think its very possible

  3. Yes!  

  4. yes it is very relax and let whatever is going to happen happen.

  5. yeah

  6. yess mam

  7. stress can cause late periods

  8. definitely  

  9. The first thing that goes out of whack for a female under stress is her period cycle. Stress alone will cause your whole body to go off track but for us women our periods are the first to get affected by stress. The more you stress over things the more it's gonna go crazy. I know it seems funny to say I know what stress can do to someone. But my advice to you is to try to relax. Take a long hot bath try to listen to soothing music like the sounds of the ocean or something if none of that works then you might want to go see a doctor to get put on something for your stress which can lead to high anxiety. Which is what i have. My doctor put me on Xanax and it has helped me alot.

    Good luck

  10. yah... that's why people can get panic attaks and stuff...

  11. yes ... stressing over many things can cause you to be late, give it a few weeks and take a pregnancy test

  12. Maybe if your really stressed but for only 2 or 3 days its unlikely.

  13. stress can cause a late period but i'd imagine it would require more than just 2-3 days of it. maybe you should see a doctor if you still haven't gotten it.

  14. Aboslutely! So relax as much. Trust me, I know its hard to do so, a pregnancy scare is not fun at all. If it helps in the future use double protection (i.e. BC pill and condom). It will definitely help your anxiety and nervousness.

    Good luck, and relax!

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