
Do you think I should...................

by  |  earlier

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Well, there is this dude that's super fine!!! and I know that he likes me and I like him back. The only problem is that he's slightly older than I am. but I don't think age matters! I've known him like my hole life, and I trust him. So we've been flirting like crazy for about a 1 year. Any who do you think I should kiss him? I'd love to but I've never kissed any one before and what it I mess it up? I know he's kissed a lot of people before. What would you guys do?




  1. If you move in close enough, looking him in the eye, he will get the message and kiss you. Don't worry. Just relax and follow his lead. As long as you don't drool, you'll be ok.  

  2. Practice on ur hand lol X) uggghhhmmmmm........wait a little bit for him to kiss u and then if he doesn't kiss him and dont worry about it kissing is easy.... i think lol Good Luck

  3. Ugh, I hate it when people say "Fine". It's SO annoying. Anyway.. Just tell him how you feel?

  4. As long as its legal then that's fine. Well just let things go with the flow I say...kissing the back of your hand is NOTHING like the real thing.

  5. find some guy to kiss so you can practice lol if you dont care who ur first kiss was

  6. My dear young lady.... be honest, I would tell him that you like him, etc. - also be honest about, that you've never kisses anyone before. I am sure, he'll appreciate your honesty MUCH MORE than if you "fantasize" something. Be straight forward & tell him the truth. That gets you a lot further, honey !

    I wish you all the best for the future ! Greetings from Germany with all my love & care... Annette***

  7. Just be open and honest with him about your feelings toward him. That's the woman thing to do

  8. Just don't over think it and it turns out to be completely natural. Don't set up expectations in your mind, just let things unfold and it works out so much better than it would if you try to plan it all out in your mind.

    If he's kissed a lot of chicks, then chances are he's going to take control anyway.

    Kissing on your hand probably wouldn't be much of a help. You should have no problem with the kissing. Just don't over think it, that's the biggest thing cause if you start over thinking all of this then you start to establish expectations in your mind and that needlessly complicates it all. Simple and sweet goes a long way.

    Keep it real. Don't expect the rain to start pouring and the cheesy soundtrack to go off. Be two human beings who like the look of each other.

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