
Do you think aries envy Pisces?

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  1. Uuuuuhhhhhh....that would be a NO.  I'm an Aries Woman and know several Pisces that I truly adore.  However, envy is not an option there because I am the bomb in and out. They're a different type.  They can't quit get it together and have little to no direction with life in general but are very faithful and loyal friends.  

  2. as an aries I got to say no but,I usually don't like them

  3. No, I don't think so generally. I think that more Pisces would envy Arian motivation, energy and ability to get things done, or at least started. I certainly do.

    Me: Pisces.

  4. No way.  Every Pisces I know gets upset really easily!  I prefer having my wicked thick Aries skin.

  5. I can't really say. I always get involved with aries in a relationship so there isn't much envy.

  6. They kind of envy our intuition and the floaty way we handle life while still keeping on board. I've had Aries friends, bosses and an Aries boyfriend. But Pisces people admire Aries people's straightforwardness and confidence and ability to get things done.

  7. no, they just really really really dont like each other!

    pisces can be sometimes attracted to the aries fire, because they are fun and leaders and can be passionate. but pisces needs someone stable and cautious and sensitive and emotional or respectful. aries usually sees pisces as a whimp and they tend to pick on them a lot, especially if pisces lets them. aries envies no one. they think they are the sh*t! they dont' really care what you do, they think they are the best. they can get irritated by those they think are annoying though, and pisces usually annoys aries to no ends.  

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