
Do you think clairvoyants are psychic?

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I'm psychic, seen some umm spirtual entity things as well. HATE, HATE, HATE the idea of clairvoyance. If it has to happen it has to happen but I wouldn't go looking. Are there anyother people out there like me, who can't stand the ideo of being open to the other side?





    yada yada why don't you win the lottery yada...people need to learn they're c**p

    has anybody actually read the requirements?

  2. Well the nice thing about our psychic abilities is there is no law that says we ever have to do anything much with them, it is up to us. I am comfortable with my spirit guide (an entity) but I am frankly scared of other entities and scared of out of the body type things too. I can hear my guide loud and clear though. He is familiar and has been with me forever. I don't mind seeing the future in a limited way, such as the result if a person keeps on the way they are going. Once I saw that a friend of mine would be murdered but I didn't tell her that. I told her to stop picking up men and stay home!

  3. I foresaw this question and came straight here - I knew you would spell words incorrectly and came to you to offer you guidance on your path.

    IT's all hocus pocus mumbo jumbo -

    THink about it - if it was real and they were real - how come they don't win the lottery every week - how come they can't pick every winning horse at the races EVERY day.

  4. i knew you was going to ask that...and 2 oclock on saturday.

  5. I did at one time. I learned to just turn it off. Work on it and in time you can turn it off and on at will.

  6. you are a physical being ,but not a physic,you do hate clairvoyance because you desire to become one,that's all

  7. Sure you`re psychic !

    Psychics and clairvoyants are able to see only one thing ............ the suckers coming in with their money ! Nobody has any ability whatsoever to see anything in the future .

    Some misguided souls say they`ve had a psychic reading and some of the things that were "revealed" were amazingly accurate .

    Of course they were ! Remember , your dealing with seasoned con artists ! There are ways to tell certain things about a person`s life just by talking to them and observing their clothes , jewellery , rings etc etc . You have no idea of the amount of information one can get from a person without their knowledge simply by asking seemingly benign questions !

    I noticed one of the previous posters ask why psychics/clairvoyants don`t win the lottery every week or win at the horse races every day .

    The answer is simple ............. because these "psychics" couldn`t see the future even if their lives depended on it , so how can they "see" the winning numbers or horses ?

    Their stock answer of course is " but I have no interest in money , only in helping people" . Outright BULLSHIT !

    Of the hundreds of thousands of so called "psychics" in the world , not one is interested in using his/her "ability" to make untold wealth ? LOL LOL LOL

    See it for what it is : a bunch of con artists , shysters and fraud artists that don`t want to work preying on the gullible in order to part them and their hard earned money .

  8. If you are psychic, why don;t you win the lottery and do9nate all the money to a children's charity?

    James randall (?) is offrering $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove to be pyshic.  Why don;t you do that and offer the money to a children's charity?  

    Very interested to hear why not, so can you please add an additional with a reason.

  9. With any skills or abilities comes a responsibility.  It can be hard to accept the responsibilities sometimes, and it may be hard to understand how the skills you have fit into your life.  It is up to you to decide how to use your skills appropriately.  Just remember that it is your choice.  You can ignore your instincts if you feel that is the right thing to do, or you can embrace them and try to fit them into your life.  

    I agree that there are times when I would rather not know things that I think I know.  There are other times where I feel grateful that I am able to use my skills to help other people to find their way through the world.  For me, it's always been a matter of finding the balancing point.  There are times when I focus more on the physical world, and other times when I focus more on the spiritual world.  Keep looking.  You'll find the right balance for your life.  Good luck, and stay loose.

  10. No being a clairvoyant is a gift, and one that should not be looked at so negatively.

  11. Why would someone who can see the future work on a 800 call a psychic line?  No, it has never been shown to exist (outside of heresay, "I believe them!", c**p 'evidence'.

  12. I have seen some mediums and card readers, some of them are so spot on about things.  My mind is open to the other side and because of that, I have had experience of what some would call strange things!

  13. Yes ... but do not try to block it out, even if at this time you want to. I was like you, I could see things, but I freaked myself out with it (I was young) and learned to shut it out. Now that I am a bit older, I want to try again ... but I can't anymore. I get "deja vu" a lot, but that is about it. Well, I'm also good at "predicting" some things, but I can not see "spirits" anymore, if people so wish to call them that ... all I can say is embrace your ability, because you may want it again someday ... learn how to use it and CONTROL it, because then you can use it when you want to. Just do not make the same mistake I did ... I'm still trying to learn again, but it is really hard. Just learn as much about this as you can, and you will be fine :) Just do not be afraid of anything that happens ... and good luck :)

  14. Look for spiritual healer. I am a psychic and I have helped people who have visions but do not want them. You can learn to "turn it off'. Look for a meditation center for a referral .

  15. clair means clear, voyant means sight, if you have clear sight, then you are psychic

  16. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead.

    For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD; and because of these detestable things the LORD your God will drive them out before you.

    You shall be blameless before the LORD your God.

                   --Deuteronomy 18:10-13

    Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

                   --Exodus 22:18

    You're going to have to do a little more than chat to Jesus, or reach out with your feelings, or any other of that force power hippy c**p.  This LORD fellow doesn't seem to like you very much..

  17. If you are really seeing spiritual beings, then they are being revealed to you for some purpose. Satan and God can both offer you these skills, the question is, where are these skills coming from?

    Get right with Jesus and make sure you are on the right side.

  18. Stop smoking the weed!

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