
Do you think homeschoolers are weird?

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hey do yall think homeschoolers are weird? i think some are but not all. thanks for ur input!




  1. I think it's great if you can do it so long as you are part of the groups that meet up for sports/play and so on to keep the kids socially interacting.

  2. There are more weirdos in public schools that's for sure..

  3. Nah, I know some really interesting and cool people who were homeschooled.  

    I think if their family is weird and is homeschooling them, they would be weird if they went to public school too!

    Some people don't understand homeschooling and think its weird because its not "typical" but most of these people are ignorant and will judge anything they don't see in 9 out of 10 people.

  4. One of my best friends was homeschooled until 9th grade and he's completely normal. He's really cool. But I agree with you some I have met are really weird. They're just like normal people. Some can be really cool while there's still the really weird people.

    And to Aziz

    well people who are homeschooled, or at least in my school district, have to play a sport or do an activity that does get them socialized. And you always have those kids in your neighborhood that your friends with. you only have a specialized teacher after 6th grade. In middle school, homeschooled kids would have to come to my school to learn, i didn't get the whole thing but they still get a good education. My friend had a 5.0 all through highschool. (yes a 5.0 AP classes)

  5. Weird people come from all places!  Sometimes they are weird because their families are weird as well. Sometimes maybe because they have Aspberger's or some other hidden condition or sometimes because they are happy being their own person who could be refreshingly interesting if one took the time to get to know!  Weirdness is relative anyway...

      Weird people abound in public schools yet no one blames their education as being responsible for making them that way, yet they immediately jump to that conclusion when they meet a weird homeschooler.  They forget that a bunch of 'normal homeschoolers' may have walked right past them but they didn't notice because it didn't trip their 'weirdness radar'.---

  6. i certainly hope not since i am home-schooled, although i think everyone (home schooled or not) is a little weird  in their own way :) i find it very copacetic to be home schooled although you don't get as much physical activity as you would in public schools because you are not changing classes

  7. idk, it depends how there family life is. some can be cool and others can be social outcasts that make friends with the spider living in the corner of the room. but hey, there are alot of weird kids that go to public school also!

  8. i don't think they are weird, but public and private school kids do tend to develop better social skills.

  9. I know a few weird homeschoolers. Most are great kids who are easy to talk to, have good heads on their shoulders...

  10. Most homeschoolers I've met have acted differently than your average public school kid, but they've usually seemed nicer and more articulate (probably because they weren't made to feel like a geek for using big words). A lot of people might consider this "weird", but I think it's perfectly normal – the kind of "socialization" that goes on in public schools shouldn't determine what we think of as normal behavior.

  11. no they just go to school at home i mean wats wrong with that and i think its cool to be homeschooled

  12. Well, I was educated at home all my life, and I think I've turned out alright. I mean, yes I'm weird, to some people, and to others I am normal. I depends on who you are, really, and what home you were taught in.

    The question that always bugged me was "but what about social activities? Don't you want your kids to be able to socialize?" "Kids who are homeschooled are socially inept." This is a stereotype.

    My brothers and sisters and myself have always been able to "communicate" well with anyone. Homeschooling takes away peer pressure, not social ability. We look people in the eyes when we speak, we speak with diction, and we have a lot of friends outside our little circle of "homeschoolers".

    Granted, there are some cases where children who were taught at home turned out a little "weird", but that's not the norm, I'd say.

  13. That all depends at which homeschooler you're looking at, but then again, it all depends on which public schooler you're looking at as well.  Yeah some are weird, but some of everyone are weird.  I was cyber schooled, which is a type of homeschooling, and I found it to be really nice.  Let me tell you that I've met a lot more weirdos in public school.  Also, it depends on you're definition of weird.  Some people are considered weird, and are teased and that is why they are homeschooled.  Others arer antisocial.  Others are moving and don't want to switch between schools.  Others just want the choice.

  14. No, I just think they missed out on the interaction with other kids so they develop differently. Not weird, just different. Not necessarily in a bad way either.

  15. no I dont think Im werid and I went to public school forever until 2 years ago, so

  16. no. i'm was homeschooled and i am just like any student who went to public school.

  17. my parents were weird, but I think I would be weird regardless if I was home-schooled or not.

  18. Nah :) My two best friends were homeschooled for seven years and they're just fine :) But because i'm their friend, it's my job to think they're weird. Don't worry bout it :)

  19. no im in 10 grade nd  i jus startd being home skoold cuz i fucked up in regular skool

    nd u can graduate faster by being home skooled

  20. Nope! You may think we are but that's your opinion. You have the right to it. I think most of us are normal families that just want the best for our kids and know that the public system can't provide it. We choose to live in a way that some percieve as weird but those people who buy into what the public schools say about home schoolers. It's no more weird to home school than to change your clothes daily.

  21. I am a homeschooler. Some of us are really weird but that's not because we homeschool. I talk to myself for instance. That's weird but I would do that if I went to school too. Oh, and I do interact with others. My cousins mostly are not homeschooled and I have 3 sisters and two brothers. I also have friends at church.

  22. NO, NO, a thousand times 'NO' !!

  23. There is nothing wrong with homeschooling but I have some concerns with homeschooling. The first one, the socialization that home schooled children miss. Some parents may have negative thoughts about public schools but it is very crucial to understand that children need to engage in people outside of their families. Kids benefit when the deal with hundreds of students and interact with teachers. That boost their confidence  and makes them ready to take challenges. Now I know that public schools are becoming nasty these days but considering charter and private schools are also open options.

    The second concern I have is that when it comes to real learning, you need to have specialist teacher for every subject. What happens in home schooling is that all the subjects learned in traditional schools are taught by one or two people. That is really not a good idea. No matter how educated my mom and dad are. I need a teacher for each subject who has a real knowledge about them and that is what home schooled students miss.

  24. I think socialization is a really important part of going to school.  Now, if the child's parents do a good job of making sure their child interacts with peers in other activities, then they have just as good of a chance at being socially adept as anybody else.  When the parents do not realize this and keep their child sheltered from the rest of the world, then you usually end up with kids that one might find "weird".  The truth is, in such a case, that the child has no way of really knowing how to act around others because we usually learn from experience.

  25. No they have their reasons and some schools are really bad.

  26. I'm a homeschooler, and I don't think i'm weird.

  27. Homeschooled people are not any weirder than any other segment of the population. Did you know weird people in public school?

    I homeschooled my two children. They are weird in that they don't follow the crowd and don't give in to peer pressure; however, they are both very popular and well-liked. They are both now adults and you couldn't tell they were homeschooled by looking or talking to them unless they told you.

  28. I think they're missing out on alot of things public schools give you. Social training among other things, which could be the reason some of them are perceived as weird.

    Personally I don't think they're any weirder than some people at school, but thats just my ignorant opinion.

  29. yes


  30. Homeschoolers? No. Well, I'm sure there is.

    But, there's a ton of weird people in public school too.

    I don't find anything wrong with homeschool"ers"....

    But I don't think there's anything weird about me, or other homeschoolers I know. We're people just like everyone else.

    We just have different lives, and lifestyles than most public school kids. But we're human, lol.

    (Geesh, I kinda sound like I'm defending homescholing.)


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