
Do you think humans hurt nature?

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Do you think that we are expoiting nature just for our living?





  1. errr use your common sense

  2. One thing many forget, humans are a big part of nature.  So I guess you mean are humans hurting the rest of nature or something like that.

    Yes we are hurting ourselves and nature through pollution and overcrowding

  3. yeah we are. of course we are. YOU , ME &EVERYONE in this world is doing so.We are very well acquainted with this fact that we are exploiting nature just for our living to a maximum extent.And we also very well know that these activites are gonna prove fatal , but still we are doing so.

  4. definetly.the industries are relaesing harmful gases along with cars and other transportations.and other activities that humans do.

  5. yes.  in fact the majority of people or those who are aware of votes to alter environmental policies would rather vote in favor of exploiting nature if it could benefit them directly.  when i worked as a volunteer for a detroit representative every vote for to reduce pollution was land slided with nays.

  6. ya, i aim agree with u on this. we are constantly using nature  for our benefits but there is a limit for us and we have to take care of mother nature now becaouse it is now or never

  7. human activities (pollution, development) is certainly harming nature.

  8. Unlike other animals man, kills and hurts for pleasure.Even the tiger( the king of the jungle ) only kills to feed his stomach, but man does it for mere pleasure and in doing so is disturbing the natural balance!

    Man's desire to play god, and control (if possible everything) has repeatedly proved to be disastrous to nature bringing several animals on the verge of extinction!

    Like Al Gore said Old habits + New technologies= disastrous effects.

    With the development, it is necessary to take adequate measures to disrupt the harmony in nature.

  9. Humans have changed the face of nature no doubt, BUT the Earth has done more damage to itself than humans can ever do.

    Yes we exploit nature for our living, if we didn't, we could not survive.

    We do pollute, but at the same time the Earth has seen more toxic pollution after asteroids hit the earth or gases from volcano eruptions.

    I always find it funny when people are extremely crazy about this subject, because nature had to be changed in order for them to do their daily lives, we have ALWAYS had to cut trees for heat and shelter, we had to kill game for food, we had to clear land for crops, it is not like this is something new, but if we do it responsibly, the earth always heals. But cities (concrete jungles) do more harm than any tree cutting or farming will ever do.

  10. YES!

    here are some of the ways:

    Driving a car - CO2 emmisions

    over fishing - alteration of econsystmes

    Bubble baths/ clean products- harmful chemicals

    SEZ - No enviroment laws controling watse, emissions ect..

    Artifical islands: alteration of sedilment drift

    facotiries --> H2SO4 --> acid rain


    And the list goes on and on and on..

  11. Yes, though its usually not intentional- i think...

  12. no

  13. Well, all living things take advantage of nature. It's just that humans are SO much better at it that we are just destroying everything and eventually we will probably wipe ourselves out.

    But nature will outlive us- or at least some of it will.

  14. No doubt about it.

    You'd think since we're all in this together -- people and animals of the air, land, and sea -- that we'd have more respect for the planet that sustains us in the manner we've become accustomed to.

    A rising population and lack of awareness of the true costs involved in living is now beginning to threaten our way of life.  Depleted ocean stocks of fish, global warming, pollution -- we have got to face up to these situations and get our act together so future generations can enjoy this wonderful planet of ours.

  15. Yes ofcorse the humans are hurting nature.

    & you can see it in the form of increase in temperature, extinting of various species of animals & plants, etc...

  16. NOooooooooo...........................

    Humans are part of the nature.So what ever humans do is a thing happen in nature.So humans arent doing anything bad.Some idiots think humans are kind of alien to the nature and trying to get attraction of others by saying humans are going against the nature .And trying to make some money out of it.

  17. I won t swap for someone living in poor country.

    No car No food

  18. yes we are because we wanna live but at d same time giving bck 2 nature by planting trees n protecting animals & inventing cars that give out water vapour emissions

    so iw ould say that we are expoiting nature but not intentionally

    it just happens........

  19. yes unfortunately, and continually we are s******g up this world. As individuals we can't stop big multinational organisations from polluting, but we can all be more aware of where we put trash etc, instead of dumping stuff randomly!

  20. yeah

    what do you think the city is kind to nature, no

    and plastic in the water

    so lets and this hurting to nature

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