
Do you think i have OCD

by  |  earlier

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Okay, i was just wondering if these symptoms seem like OCD...

-I can't touch soft materials, except cotton. I hate seeing other people touch these materials aswell. The worst for me would be polyester or nylon.

- I can't step on ANY soft material without socks on, infact i sleep with socks on and always wear them.

- I hate people touching my feet, especially the soles. I cannot watch people touching their own or other peoples feet.

- If the cusions on the sofas are the wrong way up i will turn them over. I also like my pillow on my bed to be facing the right way.

- I worry that things aren't locked or closed properly. I will go back and check just to put my mind at rest.

- I always think i have something wrong with me, like a disease or something fatal. I went to the doctors to check i didn't have cancer- i didn't, the doctor made me feel like a fool but hey.

- I have a big fear of death i think about it every day.

- I expect the worst to happen, ifi go on a train or aeroplane i expect there to be a bomb. My heart beats fast everytime an aeroplane goes over my house- it could be a bomber.

- If i hear people laugh I'm paranoid that its about me and i always think that i will get abducted or kidnappened, i suspect everyone i see in the street. (Okay that isn't ocd but hey)

- Even if it is night time i wake up and go outside to check my cat is ok, or check the doors to my guinea-pigs houses are shut.

And the final thing, i don't think that this is OCD but its weird nonetheless. I sometimes feel like i'm not really here. Like i'm not real, as though i'm just observing my life... Nothing seems real, like i don't exsist. Does anyone else get this?

Okay thanks guys!




  1. Ok I work for a counselor who sees people every day like you. Yes it sounds like OCD. I would call the nearest Metal Facility and ask if they can help you find someone who treats OCD. You can get help and it will make it better. Good luck.

    Sweet Kacey.

  2. The soft material thing is the only thing that I think is something you MIGHT have OCD... All the other things are just precautions your taking for safety. In this day and age, though I hate to say it, nothing is set in stone cold rock to be safe.

    Oh and for some of these things like when you think something is wrong with you thing and the feet thing you need to go visit a physiologist.  

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