
Do you think im spoiled ?

by  |  earlier

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I got my first cell phone when i was in 3rd grade and now i have an enV,but i am getting the touch screen glyde with in the next month, I have my own laptop and my own computer.(both in my room) Flat screen tv in my room I-touch (with internet) a wii,ds light,and a hole bunch of clothes. i just turned 11 like 3 weeks ago and my dad gave me 420 dollars for my birthday and my mom gave ne 300.I will scream at my mom until i get what i want,and finally she says yes.

i would like to know if you think im spoiled.




  1. you are only spoiled if you make your parents get you things. not if they give them to you. if you scream at your mom for what you want then i'd say you are spoiled

  2. well and truly spoiled...

    they should take away your stuff and ignore you when you scream...

    they brought you up WRONG!!!

  3. Not you.............your parents are..........

  4. are you for real? you enjoy telling people that you scream at your mom until you get what you want? im glad you think thats someting to brag about. I have all those things too and im not spoiled because i appreciate them what makes you spoiled is that youre just a brat. but hey dont listen to me you just keep screaming at your mom and keep thinking its a cool thing to do

  5. Lol, I just think you want a reaction.

  6. yes you are. you need to grow up and realise that all those materialistic things are not what matters in life. sorry

  7. yes u r stop screaming at ur mom, ur 11 4 God's sake  

  8. I know that you are rude, disrespectful, and unappreciative of what you do have.  You are to old to be screaming at your mother and sham on her for giving in to you.  You need your bottom spanked instead of getting what your want.

    You better be glad you are not my child for I would not let you get away with screaming at me and showing me no respect.

    Most children now days have their own cell phones, Ipods, computers and TV.  So you are not spoiled because you have these things, you are spoiled because your mother lets you scream at her insteat of busting  the bottom.  I feel sorry for you that you are allowed to act this way.


  9. you are so spoiled !.

  10. Well,

    I hope this is a joke.

    If it is not,

    you sould like the most spoiled person I have ever met. It is rather frightening. If you want to fix this problem, maybe for your birthday, donate some of your money to cancer or something. But seriously, you are the most spoiled person I have ever even heard of. You need to grow up and realize that you can't have everything in life. Life in your later years will be much harder for you, and you will find yourself in a dark place because no one can put up with you.

  11. yeah but worst off ur a spoiled brat. i think u should start appreciating how hard ur parents work to get u those things and u should be kissing their *** not b****ing at them to get u more stuff. i honestly think parents like urs breed a**hole kids. when ur old enough 16 get a job and earn some of ur own stuff and notice when ur making 6.50 an hour that itll take u a month to earn enough money for an Ipod touch or even more time then that. appreciate ur parents. their crazy for giving u stuff u havent even begun to deserve. u seriously need a reality check. u need to learn the value of a dollar. NO THIRD GRADER NEEDS A CELL...i cant tell u how annoying that is to see

  12. Yes I think you r spoiled

  13. the mnore spoilt you get, the more you get - get it?

  14. Bloody oath you are!

  15. ya u are u must be ugly and there just tryin to make u feel better or something they need to buy u some brains

  16. yes, very

  17. you really are a spoiled brat!

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