
Do you think it's appropriate.....?

by  |  earlier

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to go to a nude beach with your spouse and only take your top off?




  1. Most nude beaches are nudity optional.

  2. Yeah sure. If I went to one that's probably as far as I'd go, especially if I don't go that often.

  3. sure whatever ur comfortable with doing

  4. If that's what you're comfortable with then that's fine.

  5. If your hot you should go nude

  6. Some nude sunbathers have issues w/ others being on a nude beach - and not baring it all.  (ie when in rome do as the romans do)

    You may stick out a bit more but do what you're most comfortable with... It's your personal choice - not theirs.

  7. well,tht depends  on whether u wanna take it off ,or whether ur spouse diagrees,but i think tis alrite.

  8. YES

  9. Yes, that's fine.

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