
Do you think it is possible?

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That people in the far future, would view present day people (like us) and our technology (cars, airplanes, computers, televisions) as primitive? As much as we viewed our prehistoric ancestors (hominids) and their technology (simple stone tools, animal bones, wooden sticks and stuff)?




  1. If the technology in the future advanced so much..then yes I do.

  2. Yes, it is very much possible.  I mean look at how we have upgraded from cassette tapes to CD's and VHS to DVD.  Who knows what else people will invent and where we will be in the next 100 years.

  3. oh yeah! but see you still have like some respect like we have respect for thomas edison. for his time he rocked with the light bulb but really thats nothing now

  4. The answer is a yes and no answer. I am sure medicine would be seen as barbaric in the future and space flight as it is today would seem childish as they will have a hyper drive or something but I would hope they would view it as innovative and not as primitive. Our future self will have to advance that way with our help on way or another

  5. No, and no.

  6. I've thought about how people one day will look at video of us driving cars at 80 and 90 miles an hour and say, "boy, they were so dumb to go that fast in just plastic, glass and metal." Also, "they were talking on cell phones and going that fast, so stupid"  Safety will become the most important concept but we will be doing more risky activities such as space travel. I believe that cell phones in their current form will be short lived and the computer will be totally different in about 7-10 years. Hopefully, solar power will replace all other forms of power. In the near future, medical practice will be a conveyor belt like system, where you will be inspected and corrected. I foresee a television room where you will interact with images.

  7. yes

  8. Give it some time and everything seems outdated and primitive.  Question is will the human race make it that far into the future?

  9. yes, i do but they wont think of us that primitive probably like what you think of in our time today in the medieval age

  10. of course, but it will be how we got there, like how we view the first cars

  11. well yeah.  obviously we are going to continue to develop into more efficient societies.  I think that snail mail is slightyl primitive, just because now there is the internet and cell phones.

  12. I do not believe that our differences will be that extreme because very basic knowledge that we value today will still have some validity in the far future. In comparing our life with the life of our prehistoric ancestry whose main objective was to feed ourselves often enough to sustain life and to protect ourselves in order to survive has far fewer comparisons with our current considerations. I speak only of my peers.  To consider this same thought including  people throughout the world, I am certain,I would  have many other considerations and thoughts. How different, or similar, are the people in some parts of our current world when you compare them with prehistoric people striving to feed themselves often enough to sustain life and to protect themselves in order to survive. It is reprehensible that there is such a variance in the welfare of the people in our world today and such a common condition  of people the world over in prehistory.  Why ? Why did we not all advance at the same rate?  Climatic conditions ? Social development caused by.....?

  13. hmm yea

  14. anything is possible, but maybe technology won't change drastically for people to think of us as we think of cavemen.

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