
Do you think my parents?

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I know this has nothing to do with horses but i posted this in family and only one person answered so im going to try it here

Would be sad if I moved to a diffrent sate?

I live in California right now and I hate it here...This summer I went to my cousins place in Arkansas and I love it there...I am a country girl and the south sounds so right to move my planes are after college is to move there....I absolutly hate Cali I was raised in the d**n city and hate it here...Do you think my parents would be sad??? I mean I know they would miss me and stuff but would they try to talk me not going???? They know I hate it here...My grandparents live in the woods and we go there once a month and thats the only freedom I get...I can do whatever I please there under age but here I can't do parents say I have no life becaues 90% of the time on on the computer...well what else is there to do here??? So my question is do you think they would try to stop me???I have'nt told them that those are my plans..I am kinda of afraid I dont know why but I am..Please help




  1. I don't know your parents but I would tell you what mine would do. They would try to stop me but I would present it to them in a mature way and not just say look this is where I am going deal with it! I would tell them my plan, tell them I will be with family so there is no need to worry and I would tell them I am happier there and this is what I want to do and then they would respect my wishes and let me go (because of the family that is there and if there was no family there that I could stay with they wouldn't let me go but in your case it is :) That is what I think you should do tell them in a mature adult way tell them your plan and hope for the best.

    Hope this helps! Good Luck!

  2. Live your Life. Tell your parents how you feel. They might be sad and worried but tell them you want to try this and it will make you happy.

  3. There's country outside of the South.  I'm sure there are some rural areas in CA, if the distance is an issue.  If worse comes to worst, it's YOUR life and you can go wherever you want when you're self-dependant.

  4. Go for it!!

    I'm sure they will miss you and you them, but I feel that unselfish parents wants what is best for their children or should I say young adults!!  You have the right to seek out happiness for yourself and if you feel that you would have a more fulfilling life then YOU have to do what is best for YOU..hopefully with your parent love, encouragement and support.

    If for some reason they are not supportive of your decision...I know it might be difficult for you,  but you have to have the courage and assertiveness in life to make your own life as they did theirs.  I'm sure they would come around once they know you are happy.

    So, start saving and planning for your future....of course you have to have a second bedroom for visits!!

    Good Luck to you!!  

  5. Nothing risked nothing gained. Go for it!

  6. I live in Southern California and I'm in the middle of no where, ima country girl.  There is a lot here to do but you do need to get off the computer.  The caretakers we had here at the ranch were from Arkansas, my mom and dad went there with them for vacation and they had planned on buying a farm dad died before this could happen...Pictures of the place were beautiful.

    When your done with college and you want to move there, there is nothing your parents can do to stop you, even if they try all you have to do is leave.  

  7. I don't know if they will try to stop you.  Are you very close with them or not?  you MUST do what you want to do with YOUR life.  go do what you want to do.  If you are afraid that they somehow CAN stop you, then move there first and then tell them.  I am reminded of a Rush song lyric.  "leaving my homeland, playing a lone hand, my life begins today."  GOOD LUCK!

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