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IM a freshman in highschool and in about 3 weeks im going to a volleyball camp for BEGINNERS, becuase i have never played before on a team. but in PE my teacher said i was really good and im good at serving the ball, plus im 5'8 (tall) and i can jump high. Do you think that if i go to my camp (its only 3 days, 5 hours a day) that i will be able to make the team this august? Also, what happens in tryouts that i should know about, any advice??




  1. your height alone might get you on the team

    but you really need to work on your skills

    sign up for some other camps b/c one is just not enough

    and for tryouts the might make you run a mile timed..but i don't know

    & then they are probably just gonna look at your different skills and see how good you

    and if there arent that many girls trying out then your your chance of making the team will be higher

  2. well going to a camp doesn't necessarily make sure you make the team. im a freshman too, and i've played before and just made my high school team, but before that, the coach made it clear to all people planning to tryout, that the camp would definitely help. if the camp is run by your future coach, then you should definitely go and tryout because they get to see more of what you can do. also, most high school teams have freshman teams, so those three days will help you prepare for tryouts. alot of what coaches do is what they do during camps/practices. i went to the camp and felt COMPLETELY ready for it. good luck! :D

  3. You will make it if for no other reason than your height alone.

    In tryouts, you will just have to be a player in every aspect over & over.  like digging, hitting, serving, setting... if you are strong in some but not others, that's ok.  i was never a good setter - i was a hitter - it is sooo fun.  

    Can you get a ball for yourself & practice in the back yard?  i used to hit the ball against the garage & practice bumping against the wall.  Also, just do general fitness stuff like running, weights, etc.

  4. You should make if your P.E. coach is already telling you your good, and your tall so that should help out alot b-c on my volleyball team there were alot of girls who made b-c they are tall, and this school year was my 1st year on a team and I made it too, b-c i am pretty tall to, and I could serve good 2, and I made the team so you should make it to.

  5. To me it sounds like you are gifted... but we all have to work at something, to get better. So I would say to help you be stronger and such. Lift weights and do leg work. Try bleachers for your legs and arms, try dumbbell curls.

  6. you have a better chance of making the team if you go to the camp. at the tryouts there are several ways to impress the coach.

    1. always call the ball really loud. make sure everyone in the gym knows you are going to get the ball.

    2. if you mess  up don't make a face or sulk.

    3.if you are in a group of girls you don't know, then go up and introduce yourself. coaches will see this and be impressed and more likely put u on the team because they see that u are able to bond with your teammates.

    the tryouts will just be like a practice probabbly

  7. you will def. be able to make the team. idk how tryouts will be but i'm sure you will make it. you could be a very good server and middle (i play volleyball myself)

    good luck =)

  8. The camp is only a good start.  You can not go to the camp and then do no volleyball for the rest of the summer and expect to make the team.  

    You should go to the camp and ask them for drills you can do alone or with a friend (if you have a friend that can practice with you.)  Buy a volleyball.  Practice every day.  Work out every day.  Run.  You want to make sure you are in the best shape physically and volleyball wise that you can be.  If you make the team after that, great.  If you do not make the team, at least you can say you gave the maximum effort.  

    For the tryouts, make sure you hustle.  Every time, every play even if you are not directly involved in the play.  For example, many teams warm up using a hitting line.  Most players hti the ball and then jog or walk to get the ball.  After you hit it, run to get the ball and run to get back in line.  If you are running all the time, you are likely to get noticed.  Talk when you are supposed to talk, keep quiet when you are not supposed to talk.  Call every ball you are trying to play and help with "in" and "out" calls for your team mates.  Encourage your team mates.  When your coach is talking, LISTEN.  When they give you advice, your answer is "I will work on that" and really mean it.  

    Attitude and hustle are good things to have.  If you are on the borderline and you have a good attitude and hustle and the other player does not, you will be on the team.

  9. i think the coach will let you on just because you have alot of potential....but as long as you have some basic skills and dont totally suck you should be alright
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