
Do you think she can sing?

by  |  earlier

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this is my neice and i taped her talent show. I don't want to be mean but i think shes okay. not great but not bad. what do you think




  1. She's off pitch.. But hey, what 5th grader isn't? Soon when she gets older I'm sure she'l be great.

  2. Hey Jodie

    With a little practice, this girl has potential. The problem is that she goes off pitch at the end of each line . She should have sang it half a tone lower.

    This is the arranger's fault. I 've seen worse than this,. She has a big voice like Joplin and if well coached, this girl could become dangerous competition.

  3. Whole song was out of pitch and song is not in her range.  

    She has good volume and tone.

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